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UK: Deadly drug – January 1997

Forums Drugs UK: Deadly drug – January 1997

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  • Deadly drug
    By thisislancashire – Friday 17 January 1997

    Copyright: thisislancashire

    THE fatuous utterings by East 17 lead singer Brian Harvey on taking the deadly drug Ecstasy were rightly condemned.

    In a radio interview, he claimed that the drug made “you a better person,” and said he had taken 12 tablets in one night with no ill-effects. In the storm of protest that followed – including one radio station banning the group’s music – he made a pathetic u-turn, urging fans not to take the rave drug.

    Although everyone knows that Ecstasy kills, and regularly, youngsters intent on enjoying themselves still take it. And all the positive publicity, campaigns and appeals to persuade takers to quit are forgotten when anyone perceived as a spokesperson for the young says it’s OK.

    The cynic might look at where East 17 currently stands in the popularity stakes compared to groups like Boyzone, and wonder if Harvey was simply looking for a quick route to the headlines. He certainly found it, to his cost.






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Forums Drugs UK: Deadly drug – January 1997