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Weight of pure
Just wondering and i have a feeling its a silly question, but is pure or close to pure Heroin light in weight... say visually it appears to be Four points but weighs two then would that indicate the level of purity eg: Lack of cutters
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January 22, 2024 at 9:56 pm
Various Methods of DMT Extraction
As most of you know, there are quite a few different methods for extracting DMT from various plants. By far the easiest route is by using MHRB(Mimos Hostillis Root Bark). It can be purchased at a reasonable price most of the time (~50£ per Kilo). So with an average yeild at around .05%, that would mean 5g of Spice for around 60£ after materials are purchased. So, why doesn't EVERYONE make it themselves?
The most common methods do require the use of a strong acid (Hydrochloric Acid), the use of a strong base(Sodium Hydroxide NaOH), and the use of a Non-Polar solvent( Naphtha).
For the people that do not like chemical grade extractions, there is a Food grade extraction that does not use any chemicals at all. I have not used this method, so will just post link to the information Safe DMT Extraction Tek - D-Limonene + Calcium Hydroxide Tek - Enlightened Awareness .
So for all that are wanting the use an A/B prep, then here is the way to the Spice.
Materials Needed:
1 Kilo MHRB Powdered
30-40ml of Hydrochloric Acid(Muriatic Acid)
2.5 Imp Gallons of dH2O(Distilled Water)
14g of Sodium Hydroxide / 700ml of Acidic Mixture
1 Liter of Naphtha
ph Paper
Safety goggles
Gloves(chem resistant)
Large HDPE containers to hold all liquid
Stainless steel stockpot large enough to hold 5 Imp Gallons
Fine mesh strainer
Large and small funnel
syringe without needle or Baster
Crockpot to use as hot water bath
Mason Jars (pint size should be fine)
Clear Glass container( wine jug/ 750ml Bottle)
Small flat pyrex glass dish
large bowl
Now that you have everything, its time to start the extraction. First Take the MHRB and put it into the sotck pot. Add the 30-40ml of HCL to 2.5 Imp Gal of water. Check ph(3-4 is good). Mix the water into the MHRB and set heat to med-low on stove top. Let simmer for 4 hours stirring every 20 minutes. Let cool. Once it has cooled, strain and squeeze all liquid from MHRB into your HDPE container. Set in the freezer for an hour or the fridge over night. Decant all liquid into another HDPE container making sure that no plant matter follows. Use cheese cloth to catch any plant matter. Once filtered, heat water bath in crockpot. Use Jug or bottle and pour the filter liquid into it. Heat the mixture. Also, use a mason jar and heat 200ml of Naphtha in the water bath as well. Once both have reached a "hot" temperature, mix 14g of NaOH with 100ml of dH2O per 700ml of acid mixture. If using 750ml bottle pour acid liqud up to the top of the bottle, leaving the neck plus about 100ml free for the basic water. Once you have added the NaOH to the water, stir until it is completely dissovled. Then add to the acid mixture. Shake, Shake, Shake, release any pressure. Check ph(13-14) is where you want it. Heat for a little more, then add Naphtha to the bottle. Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake until it has mixed well. Release any pressure. Place back into the water bath, until the Naphtha sits on top without any emulsions. Use syringe or baster to remove Naphtha. Use bowl with ice water in it, place a mason jar into the ice bath. Add the Naphtha to the mason jar until it becomes milky. Place Milky Naphtha into flat pyrex dish, cover with clear wrap and place into freezer. Repeat process until all Naphtha has been used in the Liquid. Let it sit in the freezer over night. After that is done. Remove all Naphtha from dish and place into container for future use. Fan dry the DMT covered dish for an hour or so, until it is dry. Scrap with razor and store in an air tight container away from light.
Pictures will be posted soon to help with visual references. Also, will add to this for purifying of the spice later.
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January 31, 2024 at 7:18 am
Where is Administration partyvibe.org??
Where is moderator??
I'ts important.
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February 6, 2024 at 5:24 am
Knoxville TN if can help me well im buying
Please someone reach out I got money just no connect I'll take care of you you take care of me
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February 17, 2024 at 10:57 pm
Random Facts Thread
Allow us to become enlightened and share each others knowledge of random facts from across the globe - not to mention becoming the most interesting person at the next rave...
The reason sheep annoyingly run ahead of your car when you come across them on a country road is cos sheep are unaware cars are unable to mount grassy banks. It is also a defence tactic, as turning to the side presents the oppotunity for the prey to attack the sheeps neck, so the sheep is content to keep its ass facing the car until it believes the prey (yeah, still talking about a car here) has slowed down. Only then will it dart to the side, just like a hare turning at the last second when a whippet dives with its jaws open.
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January 30, 2024 at 5:26 pm
What is Heroin or Smack?
Heroin is a painkiller. The brown powder starts life as the milky sap of the opium poppy Papaverum Somniferum. The sap is collected and dried to form a gum. The gum is washed and becomes opium. Opium contains two painkilling alkaloids, codeine and morphine. Morphine that has been extracted from opium can be further refined to create diamorphine, or heroin. Weight for weight, heroin is about forty times more powerful than raw opium. It is one of the most powerful painkillers known, and will cause tolerance and a withdrawal syndrome relatively quickly.
Heroin is an analgesic drug with depressant qualities. As the drug takes effect, breathing and heart rate decrease. Most people feel 'a warm glow' when the drug first starts to take effect, and any anxiety or concerns become insignificant. This experience is followed by a period when the user is conscious but looks like they're falling asleep. Once this time has passed, the user is able to interact normally with other people, although to them their experience will have taken on a dream-like quality.
The first time someone uses it they'll usually notice how they just feel a bit sleepy, and warm, and a little itchy. They'll usually vomit a fair bit, too.
For some people, once is enough and they'll never use it again.
Other people go back to it again...and again...and then again...and then after a while they find that they keep going back to it, having another little toot, noticing how comfortable it makes them feel...wrapped up in cotton wool...all their worries and anxieties going away for, well, time...and by then, already, the habit is becoming pretty well established.
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky...
Nobody sets out to get a heroin habit. Everybody believes they're in control, right up to the moment they realise that they've been kidding themselves. Recreational heroin use is possible, but it's ever so easy to sway over the line between occasional and habitual without really noticing. You're tickling the tail of the dragon...every so often just splitting a bag with someone else, getting stoned with your mates, and then your occasional use easily become a £10 bag every week. It's only a tenner, right? And then, after a while, you get to wondering why should you be straight on Sunday when you can be stoned again? And why shouldn't the weekend start on Friday night, after all? It's not like you've got a habit or anything. And it sets you up nicely for the weekend...
It's all too easy to slip into a mid-week toot. After all, you deserve it. And it won't hurt, just this once.
The important thing to remember about tickling dragon's tails is that you can only do it for so long before they turn round and bite you. Hard. And they don't like to let go, once they've got you. And it hurts. It hurts like hell.
Regular heroin use will cause a physical dependence. Period. No ifs, no buts. It's nothing to do with 'will power' or being 'hardcore' or any other crazy thing. You stick your hand in the fire, it burns. You take heroin regularly, you get dependent. Once the last hit wears off, you get ill until you have some more of the drug. You get sick. You get crazy. You hurt. Some people dabble with heroin for years before getting a habit, others pick one up in a few months. Slowly, subtly, your pattern of use changes until, one day, you wake up…and you aren't in control any more.
We know Major Tom's a junkie...
And then you've got one of the most obvious motivations for carrying on using. Avoiding withdrawal. If you can't get yourself sorted out, you're going to get ill. You start to feel the beginnings of withdrawal. Runny nose, aching muscles. Diarrhea. Forget about sleeping, the pain of withdrawal will be with you twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, for anything from three days to a couple of weeks. For some people it can be months before they feel right, and get back to 'normal' patterns of sleeping and eating.
Of course, if you want to avoid the withdrawal, you just need a little more brown...
And of course by then, you're mostly only hanging out with people who also use it. Every other person you know is doing it. They're phoning you, knocking on the door, dropping in, serving up...helping you out...easing the pain...sorting you out...making it all better agin...back on the merry-go-round...
But that's not you. You won't get a habit. It's not like you inject or anything.
I'm never going to inject, so I'll never get a habit, right?
It doesn't matter whether you inject heroin or smoke it. If you use it regularly you will start to need more to feel the effects. Every time you use it you'll be reinforcing the belief that doing heroin feels good. You'll be learning how to enjoy the effects of the drug. You'll develop a tolerance, need more, and pretty soon you'll need to take it just to get straight.
Just this once…
Really, strange as it seems, many people who get a habit for the first time don't even realise what they've done. It's not like smack's a problem. It's just that they feel like they've got the 'flu if they don't have it. And they don't want to travel too far from a toilet. The moment that realisation strikes you could almost draw a gigantic light bulb going on above their head with a "pop!"...swiftly followed by gentle waves of "oh shit"iness as right behind the realisation, waves of nausea herald the onset of the withdrawal starting to take hold, and the urgent need to take more smack becoming an overwhelming priority.
oh shit, indeed.
Fuck it. It's just a needle, right?
Some people just leave it there. They see a future littered with debt, damage, despair, and the detritus of broken homes, hearts and hope. A constant lurching cycle from stoned to stark withdrawal, from buzzed to busted, and back again. They see the invariable destiny of that choice, and choose a different one. And some people don't have that vision. They don't see beyond the end of the next hit. Or they see where it's going, and get stoned to avoid how that feels inside. Over the last twenty years, heroin use has increasingly been something that people start off by smoking, chasing or having the occasional boot. It's rare to find people still smoking heroin four or five years down the road. It usually comes down to a simple matter of economics. I've got a limited amount of money, and the important thing in my life is brown. I'm sitting with two half-gram bags in front of me...two days before I'm getting more cash... and weighing up the options...if I can afford to smoke enough brown to take the edge off the withdrawal, I've got enough to get stoned if I inject it. Fuck it. It's just a needle, right? Nurses do this to people every day. It's probably cleaner than smoking it, huh? Injecting can cause complications like abscesses, septicemia and the transmission of blood-borne viruses like HIV and Hepatitis B and C.
Some of these are just very unpleasant. Others can kill. Injecting anything is a really effective way to introduce organisms into your body. If a recent injecting site is sore, red or inflamed you should definitely get it checked by a medically qualified person. Especially so if you have a temperature, or any other signs of infection. Sure, it's personal. And it might save your arm, your leg or even your life...
And so I face, the final curtain...
When people talk about 'overdose' they're often talking about drugs with depressant effects, like heroin. People overdose when they take more than their body can tolerate. Overdosing with a depressant drug can cause respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, and ultimately death. It's much easier to overdose on heroin if you inject it instead of smoking it. Maybe because sometimes the heroin is more pure than usual, or you've not used for a few days and your tolerance has dropped, or you're also using drugs like alcohol, methadone, temazepam or other tranquillisers, or someone else makes up the hit...
If you're with other people who will call an ambulance for you then another drug can be given to you at the hospital to bring you back out. If you're on your own, you're on your own.
...but then again...
Even when you're not injecting, regular heroin use can mean lifestyle choices that will quickly affect your general health. It's not unusual for someone with an established heroin habit to find themselves using £25-£80 worth of the drug each day. If you're spending all your money on brown, chances are you're running up debts, not eating and not paying the rent. When you run out of your own money you'll find yourself making choices that seemed unimaginable last year, or the year before.
Doctorin' the house?
This information refers to the UK drug treatment system. Seeking help from a GP, community drug team or drug dependence unit could relieve some of the symptoms. Medication can be given to help to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal, and other support may be available. Longer term users may be offered a substitute opioid prescription, usually methadone. Some people swear by methadone, others swear at it. It's usually prescribed as a liquid to drink, although it can also be prescribed as an injectable ampoule (or a tablet, which you shouldn't even consider injecting). It's clean, it can stop you withdrawing for up to 36 hours and it costs a lot less than smack. Just like heroin and other opiates (from the poppy) or opioids (synthetic), if you take methadone regularly you'll become dependent.
A word or two for female heroin users
Women who use heroin regularly can experience irregular menstrual cycles, as heroin use can suppress ovulation. It's still possible to become pregnant, and if your cycle is irregular you might not notice for some time. If you do have sex with men, it's important to use contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Using condoms for penetrative sex will protect you and your sexual partner against the transmission of Hepatitis B, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Let's be 'avin you...
In the UK heroin use is illegal. Heroin, or diamorphine hydrochloride, is controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 as a Class A, Schedule 2 drug.
Other Class A drugs include LSD and cocaine.
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January 30, 2024 at 12:37 pm
N if can help me well im buying
Please someone reach out I got money just no connect I'll take care of you you take care of me
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February 17, 2024 at 10:58 pm
Ghost forum?
I can't get My head around this forum anymore 😕
is there anybody around or has it becom a ghost forum?
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March 28, 2024 at 1:28 am
Does Cialis Make You Last Longer?
Cialis (tadalafil) is a drug that men with erectile dysfunction (ED) usually take to treat it. Cialis can help men get and keep an erection, but it doesn't naturally make people last longer during sexual action by slowing ejaculation.
But Cialis can indirectly help sexual adventures last longer in a few different ways.
For up to 36 hours after taking Cialis, the benefits will still be there, which is longer than some other ED drugs. Because this window of time is so long, men can have sexual relations at a time that works for them and their partner without feeling rushed. Couples can use this extra time to enjoy a more leisurely and slow sexual experience, which could lead to a deeper connection that lasts longer.
Cialis makes it easier for men to get and keep an erection by sending more blood to the penis. For some people, getting and keeping an erection can boost their confidence and make them less worried about how they're doing, which can lead to longer sexual encounters.
Some people who take Cialis have said that it makes them more sensitive and improves their sexual feelings. This stronger feeling might help both partners have a more enjoyable and longer sexual experience.
Cialis can help men with ED, but it's important to remember that it's not a treatment for premature ejaculation (PE), which is a different disease where a man can't control ejaculation. If ejaculating too soon is a problem, you might be better off with a different kind of treatment, like behavioral methods, skin creams, or medicines that are made to prevent ejaculation.
In the end, Cialis can have different effects on different people, and each person may have a different experience. Talking to a healthcare provider about any worries or hopes you have about your sexual performance is very important. They can give you specific advice and suggestions based on your needs and situation.
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March 8, 2024 at 11:38 am
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January 31, 2024 at 1:31 am
UK: Rave party organisers ‘not told of noise complaints’ – March 2001
Rave party organisers 'not told of noise complaints'
By thisisessex - Wednesday 14 March 2001
Copyright: thisisessex
The organisers of an illegal rave party in Colchester have defended the event which they say was a huge success.
Despite the fact they did not have permission to be on the disused site of the former railway social club in Magdalen Street, the pair say they were never told about residents' complaints about noise.
The first calls about the loud music from the "free party" were made in the early hours of Sunday and continued throughout the night.
Organiser Matt, who refused to give his surname, said the event began at about 10.30pm and revellers were still enjoying the music at 8.30am.
He said they went in at midday on Saturday to clear up and make it safe.
"We did not have permission or anything like that but it is a derelict site."
He said there were no plans to return to the site, adding: "We never go back to the same place twice."
But he said he and the other organisers spoke to police officers who asked if everything was OK.
"They turned up with an ambulance because they thought someone was unwell, but they weren't and then we invited them in but they said they didn't need to.
"They came back at 8.30am and took our names and addresses and were very nice and pleasant to us but they did not mention once that there had been complaints about the noise or ask us to turn it down," added Matt.
A spokesman for the police said they were still looking into the event but had not intervened because of the scale and the amount of people there.
"It would have taken half the county's police force to go in there and break it up safely and we did not feel that was necessary," he added.
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January 24, 2024 at 3:11 pm
Ketamine in Serbia
Hi everyone!
Does anyone know if Ketamine is a thing in Serbia? Just curious if there's a scene there or whether I should bring stuff with me.
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January 13, 2023 at 4:36 pm
Soundcloud Rave Channels
I'd like a playlist of rave channels on soundcloud,etc.
That can use this forum for chat around and about the music,scene,life
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November 19, 2023 at 4:46 pm
Drug question for Sex workers.
Question to providers who offer pharmacologically enhanced services, using drugs to increase you drive and reduce inhibitions. Clients pay more when a provider is an uninhibited nymphomaniac, but how do you keep yourself safe? How do you keep your clients safe? If you're a drug to make yourself out of control, surely you have arranged a safety plan. Do agencies provide this kind of support? How do clients recognize, approach and communicate with providers who offer these services? Thanks so much.
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January 21, 2023 at 6:01 am
New to site n need some advice
Hi I'm new to the site and was wondering if anyone could give us some advice on using bitcoin as I've never used it b4 , I used to use a thing called E-Gold when I was ordering from a M.O.M site (BM) years ago when they were selling to the UK. But I'm thinking of getting on the dark Web to try and find a decent vendor. If anyone can give us some advice, tips or out it would be a great help as the quality of the stuff about in my town is crap. Thanks in advance 😎
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February 3, 2023 at 6:19 am
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