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MDMA in amsterdam

Forums Drugs Drug Testing MDMA in amsterdam

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  • Hey… Im quite new on this forum ( looks awesome though) and I’m going to Amsterdam in a couple of days (8/3). The thing is that I’m very new on buying drugs… Have no idea of how to approach anyone when buying MDMA. I know a guy at home who is very safe.. An old very straight up guy with no risk… I would like to know if anyone have some tips on how to get good MDMA or know any good dealers in Amsterdam? Im a bit scared of putting poison in my mouth buy buying drugs on the street.. Any feedbacks are much appreciated:)

    You can buy MDMA and then outside a lot of the clubs there are testing stations where you can test your pill/crystals to see if its actually MDMA

    @Nigboat 470823 wrote:

    You can buy MDMA and then outside a lot of the clubs there are testing stations where you can test your pill/crystals to see if its actually MDMA

    Cheers – I wasn’t sure if these still existed.

    TBH they make sense as they are paid for by a “tax” on dealers (they get fined per pill rather than going prison) but their 112-services very rarely end up with overdose cases, but as the Dutch seem to be as prone to crashing everything with wheels on and nicking stuff and fighting over stupidness as we are this side of the North Sea means the bluelights still have plenty to do. – Home

    @Nigboat 470823 wrote:

    You can buy MDMA and then outside a lot of the clubs there are testing stations where you can test your pill/crystals to see if its actually MDMA

    That sounds really nice…
    But can I just ask a guy in a club for help getting some MDMA or how is the approach on this? How do I ask? I’ve also heard that the taxi drivers are a good way of getting some help?

    @Mitch Conner 470826 wrote:

    Would be good to have them over here but with mdma not being legal it just wouldn’t work.

    its not legal in NL either! its more a cultural issue why drug testing might not be as effective here. People in other northern European nations are a lot more self disciplined about their drug use than here in England, and they still accept that their drug use is not encouraged by all. its hard to explain and its only something I unearthed myself from learning languages and meeting people from other nations but its a definite difference. if you look at Sinner’s methodical post about measuring out a dose of MDMA that gives some idea 😉

    also last weekend my friend who is from DK does not take hard drugs had a big leaving party at his house and stayed up all night, yet at 10:00 sharp on Sunday he was on his bicycle riding around town….

    I am going in a few months and last time we were there we spent ages talking to this guy who was telling us about the MDMA around town but we never took him up on it, obviously we won’t be able to find him ever again aha so how did it go?

    Did you find anything?

    I heard a lot of bouncers at clubs will sell you it. Don’t ask in Coffeshops though!

    @Nigboat 470823 wrote:

    You can buy MDMA and then outside a lot of the clubs there are testing stations where you can test your pill/crystals to see if its actually MDMA

    I’ve been to Amsterdam several times (I live in US) and every time I go I just don’t feel comfortable walking around like an idiot and asking people. I am going to Dance Valley 2012. (geen persoonlijke email-addres op dit forum, dat mag niet ) I need pure and not some garbage.

    i understand the situation especially as you are older but its really not a good idea to put your personal email address up on a global forum asking for illegal drugs. NL might seem tolerant but it has some of the best developed surveillance organisations of the world and all across Europe suspected and known drug users over 30 (local or foreign) are monitored.

    I’d be surprised though if a event like that was totally dry and pills are not expensive these days so its not worth dealers selling bunk ones or other stuff as they can sill get done for fraud or selling poison, but if you go to NL regularly then better to befriend some locals and exchange phone numbers, email addresses etc. If you are discreet about things you won’t get trouble.

    I’d go myself were it not for work and the chance of being quizzed and searched by Border Force on the way back simply because a 40 year old British Asian chap who helps run a prominent UK rave website and decided to learn Dutch would be seen as a potential suspect.

    Also I’ve just had a look for warnings of contaminated/dangerous pills and there are warnings of pills containing PMMA, however the messages are (deliberately?) unclear about whether these relate to incidents in 2011 or more recent ones. What is clear is that loads of dealers are being busted, if you want to do this stuff and haven’t got friends of your age in NL then there seems to be no alternative other than to go around talking to 20 something lads as they are the main ones now willing to take the risk. it is the same over here in England.

    young dealers often just get a proportionate fine and/or community service and/or counselling (to encourage them out of crime) for selling MDMA. But for selling PMMA or anything dangerous they can get 8 years prison if anyone is hurt. Large festivals like Dance Valley are monitored by various covert police units as you would expect so only a complete kutidioot would sell bad pills at such a large event, but unfortunately they do exist especially those what don’t like foreigners and for whom life is so shit 8 years in cell makes no difference. hopefully the security have a shitlist of such kutidioten as they would damage the events reputation and this is a high profile event where they try and distance themselves from drugs (many of the testing points have now gone because the promoters got told they would not get their licenses if they encouraged drug use).

    the impression I’ve got from reading most of the Dutch dance sites is that even young ravers still go by their agenda and plan their partying way in advance, sorting out whatever they want at that point. then they can also use the testing services which unearth contaminated pills.

    can you help me find some

    Hello. I am traveling tomorrow to Amsterdam. What is the best place to buy MDMA? Please help me

    @General Lighting 470824 wrote:

    Cheers – I wasn’t sure if these still existed.

    TBH they make sense as they are paid for by a “tax” on dealers (they get fined per pill rather than going prison) but their 112-services very rarely end up with overdose cases, but as the Dutch seem to be as prone to crashing everything with wheels on and nicking stuff and fighting over stupidness as we are this side of the North Sea means the bluelights still have plenty to do. – Home

    That sounds like an excellent system and is indeed excellent news it’s still going, I remember hearing about those things like decades ago.

    Thios thread is only 2 years old so probably still good advice.

    I didn’t understund what that mens 🙁

    @Nigboat 470823 wrote:

    You can buy MDMA and then outside a lot of the clubs there are testing stations where you can test your pill/crystals to see if its actually MDMA

    Sorry, it was an answer given above. Welcome to the forum.






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Forums Drugs Drug Testing MDMA in amsterdam