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A Political Win For Alcomohol

Forums Drugs Alcohol A Political Win For Alcomohol

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  • De trampz will still feast on cheap cider!

    Stupid policy anyway, alcoholics would still be alcoholics and people would still drink. I think it was just meant to be a stealth way to raise more money via tax.

    Mate I get so upset when I see hefty street drinkers. Such a waste. I was in town yesterday killing time and I bumped into an old friend/associate from the free party days and he is bad man. First I got him saying “Hi mate long time no see…… who are you again?” No joke after I had to explain loads. Then he got all shady with me about stuff so I had to let him know that I didn’t give a shit about opiate use. Finally he remembered properly and started spilling about all this shit like living on the streets, what happened to his X who was a really safe girl. I asked the obvious things like where is the holy grail of techno vinyl and his soundsystem, but he gave me a load of bullshit about it. After I while he asked me for money which I expected as he was begging. I gave him about 4 jib which was nothing really but I still get torn between helping people satisfy their addictions and potentially harming by giving them booze. I know what it is like to be in pain from addictions.

    whats the policy? what yous talking about?

    there was a plan for a per unit alcohol price in England which Cameron fudged because he didn’t want to make things difficult for business (not because it was a bad idea or it would have been rejected outright at the start). I’m not sure if it has or hasn’t been implemented in Scotland.

    I wouldn’t get too excited just after that it was announced Cameron said he would find another way to tackle the low cost of alcohol.

    TBH it will probably just be allowing the Police to be a little more “Life on Mars” with loud street drinkers whilst begrudgingly tolerating high functioning addicts with jobs provided they don’t crash on the roads. After all these are probably the only folk who have killed enough braincells to still vote Tory in the first place.

    @thelog 532846 wrote:

    Mate I get so upset when I see hefty street drinkers. Such a waste. I was in town yesterday killing time and I bumped into an old friend/associate from the free party days and he is bad man. First I got him saying “Hi mate long time no see…… who are you again?” No joke after I had to explain loads. Then he got all shady with me about stuff so I had to let him know that I didn’t give a shit about opiate use. Finally he remembered properly and started spilling about all this shit like living on the streets, what happened to his X who was a really safe girl. I asked the obvious things like where is the holy grail of techno vinyl and his soundsystem, but he gave me a load of bullshit about it. After I while he asked me for money which I expected as he was begging. I gave him about 4 jib which was nothing really but I still get torn between helping people satisfy their addictions and potentially harming by giving them booze. I know what it is like to be in pain from addictions.

    London road in Brighton…jesus christ.

    @Izbeckistan 532897 wrote:

    London road in Brighton…jesus christ.

    Unfortunately Brighton like most coastal towns is used as a dumping ground for addicts. its even worse round my way at places like Clacton on Sea, and even “nice” places like Leiston (though social housing is cheap because its basically written off if/when Sizewell blows). The only reason its a bit “cooler” down your way is there is a lot of money from tourists and trustafarians from London and Universities with a good reputation for liberal arts courses, plus marginally better weather than East Anglia (athough EA gets less rain but more wind).

    In the summer down here it is probably one of the best places to be a junkie.
    You can just sit on the beach all day and visit our lovely parks with plenty of drunk and high holiday folk/ students to party with.
    I used to live opposite one of the buisiest gay bars in the county and all I heard was belching (from the local begger) bitch fights (from the bar) and deliveries (from tescos and the bar) maybe the occasional ‘wheres the next party attt!’
    I asked him to tone the belching down once but I think he forgot. (we where playing chess together on the pavement)

    @DeezNuts 532841 wrote:

    Stupid policy anyway, alcoholics would still be alcoholics and people would still drink. I think it was just meant to be a stealth way to raise more money via tax.

    As much as I fear contradicting you the policy was based on sound medical advice and research. It was the medical industry who were calling strongly for a price rise. That’s not to say it will end alcoholism or anything like that.

    @Izbeckistan 532904 wrote:

    In the summer down here it is probably one of the best places to be a junkie.

    that would be a perfect slogan for a fake tourist board poster :laugh_at:

    @photographthesun 532909 wrote:

    As much as I fear contradicting you the policy was based on sound medical advice and research. It was the medical industry who were calling strongly for a price rise. That’s not to say it will end alcoholism or anything like that.

    Yeah I know this but politically and socially it wouldn’t work. It is just dealing with the symptoms rather then the actual cause, which is all we are good at in this country it seems.

    They should make it illegal.


    @DeezNuts 532960 wrote:

    Yeah I know this but politically and socially it wouldn’t work. It is just dealing with the symptoms rather then the actual cause, which is all we are good at in this country it seems.

    Depends what you expect it to do (or how you define work) but what the Doctors wanted it to do was reduce medical issues associated with alcohol and there is a good evidence base that an increase in price would lead to reduced consumption (hence why they were pushing for it). Apologies if I am just repeating what you were saying its been a long day.

    Agreed though politically it was always going to be unpopular, especially after that hot food tax thing.






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Forums Drugs Alcohol A Political Win For Alcomohol