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Thoughts regarding the recent fire at a free party in amsterdam…

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Thoughts regarding the recent fire at a free party in amsterdam…

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    We feel it is important for all of us together to take a realistic approach to issues that have come up in the face of this tragedy. It is critical that we acknowledge the lessons at hand. We wish to do this with you, our audience, so that you can consider our point of view.

    The tragic event last weekend where a fire broke-out at an underground squat party left one person killed, 6 in the hospital and most of us in sheer disbelieve and shock.

    In a very short time, a series of events took place which left us thinking of a few important issues we would like to share with you. We hope that you give those some thought before ever attending to any future Zirk parties. There are important lessons to be learned, when we disregard the lessons the Universe poses, they have a way of re-appearing again, and again until we get them right. When we think we have learned the lesson, and we say: ā€œ I got, I swear I doā€¦ā€ the reluctant universe seems to send a testā€¦. Let us learn from this tragedy together. Let us move forward in a constructive way.

    Squatting ā€¦.

    We support the squatting law and squatters along with their ideals. We have been really lucky to have the opportunity and privilege to do some really cool parties in squats. We must remember that a squat is ā€œa homeā€ to a handful of our friends. Lets try to remember how we would like people to behave in the place we call home. The connection of parties and squats is not good for squatters. Although we do parties, we think that squats are for living first and an element of respect needs to be incorporated.

    For some reason, it looks different in the newsā€¦

    Most of the times when parties get cancelled by the police, is due to the inability of some party people to follow simple directions

    For example: parking of bikes and cars, walking-through and hanging-out in the neighbourhoods where the party takes place. At our last party one of the police complains was that there were people in groups doing drugs in their cars; and asking at the nearest gas station were the party wasā€¦.

    Once at the party location, remember, keep entrances clear of your bike, itā€™s okay to walk just a bit to get there if necessary, most of the time we will give you instructions of where to leave your bike. Let the people in charge do their job, clear the area when the organizer says is time to go. Donā€™t insult the police on your way out, most importantly when an organizer is in conversation with the police, please donā€™t try to be the hero and save the party. The organizer is prepared to negotiate with the police, and your interference may just not be what is needed, specially if you just had your dose of trance.

    Responsibility: for our things, ourselves and for those around us.

    What each of us do, at any given time has an impact on others. Here are some good points we would like for you to consider:

    We are pretty liberal about recreational drugs usage but there is fun and there is fucked up. Fucked up is not good. Be responsible in the amount of drugs you take. During a 500+ ppl event it is not only you who can suffer the consequences of poor decisions during an emergency made while high. Please remember it is not about getting fucked-up, it is about having fun.

    Putting drugs in drinks or food of other people without their knowledge is not acceptable. It is disrespectful and abusive anti-social behaviour. Drugs are a personal choice and that is the way in needs to stay.

    Getting arrested at a memorial is not okay. We donā€™t like the police any more than you do but throwing firecrackers or insulting the polite people is not okay. They are just people like you and I, doing their job. All of those things some people do have an impact on us as a whole, on how we are being regarded as a group. They also have an impact on our ability to do parties and have a good time. If we could ever continue to deliver fun parties you must consider this things. And maybe you donā€™t engage on this behaviour, but if you see some one that behaves in such a way, you can very well remind them that their behaviour is going to affect you, and all of us.

    Things have a tendency to catch on fire really easy.

    The most innocent cigarette on the floor can start a fire, so be aware of flammable things. Most importantly, no matter how cool a flame looks when your tripping, remember It is really easy for things to catch on fire. Fire spreads very quick and it has a way of not stopping.

    And if your mother didnā€™t tell you ā€¦. electricity and water do not mix.

    Donā€™t put your drinks in/on the electrical equipment!

    NOWā€¦. Why do you think is called the underground?

    Let us help youā€¦.

    Not the metro, not the tubeā€¦ā€¦ But because it is NOT on the national news, letā€™s try to keep it that way. Thatā€™s what makes it special. The negative impact of being on the news.

    Please considerā€¦. you can be miss represented by the press at any time without you even knowing it.

    In most cases whatever you were trying to say, can be miss interpreted & portrayed to fit in a specific political or someone elseā€™s agenda. (most likely: not yours/ours) if you really want a career in the media, please go and get it. But donā€™t try to represent us. Besides people look awful when fucked up on TV. Our policy is not to speak to the press. We have done an article this year about underground parties. It was with a publication we trusted, we had the opportunity to meet and spend time with the reporter. She came here several times before coming to our parties. She guarantied us that she could provide us with her story before publication for our to review. It took time and preparation and a definite effort so that our activities were portrayed by the media in a positive manner.

    After all, it is about a group that claims to have love, peace and compassion, so many beautiful qualities. We wouldnā€™t want anyone to miss-represent it.

    Main concern with the future of squat parties. Or where are we going to party next?

    We would like to take some time to re-group. Have some time to think what would be the best way for us to do what we do well and have the ability to do it safely. We wouldnā€™t want to have our life changed by the experience of having someone died during one of our parties. It is a huge fucking responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please understand and co-operate. Mostly, donā€™t push, because we will continue to do it. We just need a lilā€™time. It is a great opportunity to re-invent ourselves. That we will!

    an excellent post and advice – it is also interesting how the similar concerns and issues are cropping up across the whole EU.

    This could so easily have been a post from England – where we are going through the same problems – thankfully though there has been no fire in a squat party (although that was actually the scenario of a training exercise for Britains Home Office (interior ministry!)

    but here we are seeing rather too many emergency ambulances turning up at parties because people have overdone their drugs or taken other risks which have led to injury, and also the same issues about trash, roads being blocked by ravers. All this is extra burden to normal society which makes the non-raving people become more angry at us and call for more action by cops to stop these events!

    We need to think smarter and act smarter if these parties are to continue.






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Thoughts regarding the recent fire at a free party in amsterdam…