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  • No one else had all these gales?

    there was bare destruction at Felixstowe, whole containers blown about, some brand new cranes from China come crashing down on the old ones..

    I was hoping to go out somewhere, but I’ve now got to go to my office again tomorrow and restart all the servers/check stuff is still working

    its in a small village and the ancient overhead power cables got trashed by this mornings gales (spent nearly an hour trying to get through to EDF to report this :yawn:) As I was leaving there was 3 EDF vans and a cherry picker but it will still take a fair few hours work to get the ‘leccy back on in that area…



      :omg_no::omg_no::omg_no: Strong winds here too

      We had well strong winds here as well. I like mad weather like that!:weee:

      OMG angel Thats fucking mad, Sod being near one of them when it does that!

      yep, the fence was blown down last night. i hope it’s next door’s, not mine to sort out then :weee:

      my window was open only a tiny little bit, but then a mahoosive wind came in and it jammed wide open and almost snapped off its hindges :hopeless: lol

      We have had spectacular winds and rain here :hiding:

      we’ve had a beautiful sunny calm day here….


      i nearly got blown away on my way home from work last night! and i live on top of a hill so trying to get in my front door was hard work!

      better today-winds starting to pick up now though!

      really bad last night/ early hours of this morning.

      what pisses me off is that the bit of the village where my office is still on 1940s poles and bare 230v/400v copper cables whilst everywhere else is underground or on ABC (insulated) overhead cable

      I noticed the sagging cables months/years back and thought they were a failure point, even an EDF engineer I randomly spoke to in a pub said it was all the 1940s stuff..

      I think the phases got short circuited at some point, I just hope all the surge protectors did their jobs (but tomorrow I have to check the lot and theres a fair few of them…:crazy_diz)

      Angel wrote:

      :omg_no::omg_no::omg_no: Strong winds here too

      There is one of these things up where titch and biotech live, although apparently the danish one had not been properly maintained


        They forgot to lock it down as they usually do..

        Can’t move the wings when they do

        Thankfully nobody was hurt and it was the only mill they missed..

        we had strong winds ere i was playin footy in them, fuckin useless! kick the ball it’s not just come back to you but pretty much go over your head!

        trees down and roofs off here last night

        bright sun and gentle breeze by the sea this afternoon though

        i did note that it was very windy






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