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Can police still access my facebook even though iv’e just deleted it ?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Social Media Can police still access my facebook even though iv’e just deleted it ?

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  • Or not ? Is my private messages stored on facebooks server and easy to obtain or………

    looking like it :-/

    clearly…. do you know how to delete failbook anyway, they make it fucking hard on purpose. you have to defriend people 1 by 1, remove pics 1 by 1, remove statuses 1 by 1. facebook literally traps you in it’s shitty little police state way.

    yes. the “deleted” data stays on their servers for a certain amount of time (the exact time is unclear) specifically for this reason, and FB provide feds worldwide with easy access to private data otherwise FB could be accused of facilitating crime and locked off in some countries, which would cost them money due to the lost traffic to advertisers. Some rich but authoritarian countries only tolerate FB because it co-operates more with feds than other social networks/blogs/forums.

    in the UK getting info from social networks can be as straightforward as a Detective Inspector or above sending a faxed request on headed paper (with contact details so they can check its a real copper) to the right places. Its also widely suspected (but of course information is harder to get) that some constabularies in high crime areas have specialist teams with high level access to facebook databases and also authorise officers to covertly friend people to get info.

    even in the 90s it was thought of as very foolish to use the net to overtly commit crime or brag about it online, cops were monitoring it as soon as it became popular. A lot of serving officers today especially in SE England are very computer-literate as a fair few folk joined the old bill after being made redundant from IT jobs in these areas in the late 90s and early 2000s.

    unfortuantly ob can do anything (well most) just never eveer ever everrrrrrrrrr put anything on facebook, ever haha

    keep everything u no u shud off baitbook 🙂


    Suffolk cops are very well clued up about the Internet and monitor it closely, they also work with BT at Adastral Park to get info, but of course this isn’t well publicised.

    They also form their judgement of what sort of folk attend raves by what they read online – its hardly surprising that after all the wannabe gangstas/teenage chavs were bigging up raves on bebo that zero tolerance followed soon afterwards…

    @General Lighting 442520 wrote:

    on bebo

    hahaha do people still use bebo?!

    @hat 442534 wrote:

    hahaha do people still use bebo?!

    still? 😀

    On another note, has anyone else had a thing come up saying they can’t log in to Facebook because of maintenance? Am I being paranoid or is it really just me?

    does happen sometimes.

    @General Lighting 442514 wrote:

    yes. the “deleted” data stays on their servers for a certain amount of time (the exact time is unclear) specifically for this reason, and FB provide feds worldwide with easy access to private data otherwise FB could be accused of facilitating crime and locked off in some countries, which would cost them money due to the lost traffic to advertisers. Some rich but authoritarian countries only tolerate FB because it co-operates more with feds than other social networks/blogs/forums.

    in the UK getting info from social networks can be as straightforward as a Detective Inspector or above sending a faxed request on headed paper (with contact details so they can check its a real copper) to the right places. Its also widely suspected (but of course information is harder to get) that some constabularies in high crime areas have specialist teams with high level access to facebook databases and also authorise officers to covertly friend people to get info.

    even in the 90s it was thought of as very foolish to use the net to overtly commit crime or brag about it online, cops were monitoring it as soon as it became popular. A lot of serving officers today especially in SE England are very computer-literate as a fair few folk joined the old bill after being made redundant from IT jobs in these areas in the late 90s and early 2000s.

    Grrr just what I wasn’t wanting to hear, I thought there might be a chance that it would warrant the police bothering as it might be a ball ache for them guess not thanks for the info though.

    So if im guessing this right the only way to really delete your facebook is to delete all photos statuses messages yourself and then deactiveate you’re account for like a month ?

    That is litterally impossible i must of set thousands of statuses have thousands of messages and hundreds of photos wish i had never made one in the first place, thanks for the info though appreciated !

    @scouse_raver_georg 442637 wrote:

    Grrr just what I wasn’t wanting to hear, I thought there might be a chance that it would warrant the police bothering as it might be a ball ache for them guess not thanks for the info though.

    So if im guessing this right the only way to really delete your facebook is to delete all photos statuses messages yourself and then deactiveate you’re account for like a month ?

    Thats assuming FB actually do delete it. Whether they do or not I have absolutely no idea. They could well just lock off the data to most folk but archive it elsewhere specifically for cops/feds to use as evidence, as there must be lots of people what put incriminating stuff on FB and then try to cover their tracks by deleting the account.

    The only way to avoid hassle from social networks is not to use them.

    @General Lighting 442640 wrote:

    The only way to avoid hassle from social networks is not to use them.

    …..or if you do be careful not to put too much info / pics / etc on it

    I had to inform my sis her daughter had all her info – email – school etc on a public page, and as my sis not too good with puters I had to go over and private / remove it all, accidental on her daughters side – she didnt realise the implication






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Social Media Can police still access my facebook even though iv’e just deleted it ?