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Dextromethorphan 300mg Robogels

Forums Drugs Trip Reports Dextromethorphan 300mg Robogels

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  • So I am a semi~frequent user of dextromethorphan about an hour ago I consumed about 300 mg of tussin gels for the first time. I usually stick with ccc’s but I read a forum favoring the gel robogels. As I am writing this I’m diving into the first plateau but I threw up all over the unfashionable YMCA carpets, somehow nobody saw me and I went to the bathroom to yak up whatever else my stomach was contesting with. I was kind of upset because I thought it was going to ruin the high, but as I sit here the screen of my phone is slowly becoming harder to use due to my vision making it look as though it’s curling in ward on itself. Nevertheless my jowels are tingling and what I thought was a load commotion here at the Y has become a rhythmic melody of timed museings. My back is the a window in which is a swimming pool for parents to watch their children swwim in the ectoplasma I am much more preoccupied by the way the suN bounces off the water and hit the wall, shimmering jello. With human silhouettes, my body is shaking, I had assumed that my trip wouldn’t be any different from ccc’s due to the dosages being almost exact but this trip is much more intence. I’m not illiterate.just impaired.the melody has lost its focus and it seems as though I can hear people saying the words I’m typing, I’m at the Y because my girlfriend runs a little shop here and I’m just waiting for her work day to be done, I would not have mentioned that if it weren’t for her dropping a smoothie off for me, it’s yellow so I assume bannanna yet she is the type to mix weird stuff together so I’m s skeptical. Cold, kinda frothy, this isn’t all too great of a smoothie, upon furger examination it has been brought to my attention that this smoothie contains mangos and whey protein. Gross. I purchased a new eliquid for my vape and it tastes horrible, it’s suppossed to be a m menthol yet tastes like minty cough syrup which isn’t appealing to my pallet. Dexxing is diffextent with these gels , one similarity I find with this and cccs is that I talk with a hushed tone , not as if I’m trying to be quiet,but I just am against mine own will. I have no idea how long this submission is but I wanted to get an account of my self under the effectts of the gels to see if they are Worht transitioning to .

    If you puke your body has the stress response of being over inflated.






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports Dextromethorphan 300mg Robogels