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Best way to snort oxycodone 15 mg.

Forums Drugs Heroin & Opium Best way to snort oxycodone 15 mg.

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  • Just wandering how fine I should crush it up. I hear if you leave it a little crany the hight will last longer. Is there any truth to this?

    @Rusty227 568046 wrote:

    Just wandering how fine I should crush it up. I hear if you leave it a little crany the hight will last longer. Is there any truth to this?

    Never done it myself but as a rule, the finer the powder, the more readily it will be absorbed through the mucus membrane. Rocks just won’t disolve and will end up dropping out ur nose or going down the back of your throat.

    @Tryptameanie 568053 wrote:

    Never done it myself but as a rule, the finer the powder, the more readily it will be absorbed through the mucus membrane. Rocks just won’t disolve and will end up dropping out ur nose or going down the back of your throat.

    yup remember kids pouring out XR adderalls and not crushing them up, bunch of little beads coming down into your throat and no high to speak of. lol

    crush it as fine as possible and snort it up your left nostril because the left side of your brain likes opiates more.

    These post make me laugh , the stuff people do.. The oxycodone is for pain the caine is made to sniff up your nose..






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Forums Drugs Heroin & Opium Best way to snort oxycodone 15 mg.