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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Where’s the fucking news category? And Trump distracts with drugs.. Reply To: Where’s the fucking news category? And Trump distracts with drugs..

He’s pandering and scrambling to get re-elected, there is a small subset of the population that ‘War on Drugs’ will always be a hit with and these people are more likely to vote and with the racist anti-Mexican tinge its a great sell for people in his base.

Mexican Cartels suck but as long as we’re the top drug abusing country in the world they’re gonna come through with the goods. However America has a tough love fetish rather than harm reduction so this is typical and still sells well compared to more sensible policies.

I feel like he’s gonna try to take advantage of COVID-19 to push military and authoritarian crap down our throats but he’s gonna beat Joe Biden in the general so 4 more years of this guy unless he dies.