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Re: UK : East : “Reclaim the Night” march was held in Ipswich on 2006-12-29

Forums Life Politics, Media & Current Events UK : East : "Reclaim the Night" march was held in Ipswich on 2006-12-29 Re: UK : East : “Reclaim the Night” march was held in Ipswich on 2006-12-29

Always good to support these Reclaim the Night marches.

After all if the women are too scared to go out except under the protection of a male we are looking at a serious loss of their civil liberties and , not incidentally, a complete breakdown of any form of after dark socialising except where they are ‘safe’ [no clubbing, pubbing, etc except under the watchful of eyes of those in control]

Fear being used as a means of controlling the population – wake up and smell the bullshit folks.

Is that how we want to live – I know I dont :you_crazy:you_crazy:you_crazy