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Re: UK : LDN: Possible Tube strike NYE (yet again)

Forums Life UK : LDN: Possible Tube strike NYE (yet again) Re: UK : LDN: Possible Tube strike NYE (yet again)

update: 2005-12-30 11:47 – still no talks, no deal

this strike will result in entire London Underground system being closed – presumably buses still run – but its difficult (and sometimes dangerous) for non-Londoners or those not local to an area to travel on buses (people from other “ends” who sit on the top deck at the back are often mugged!).

There are sometimes scuffles and fights for night-buses in some areas, despite CCTV!

taxis are extremely expensive and will be overstretched, and Scotland Yard will deploy extra officers (including “black rats” or traffic cops) to ensure there are not problems with overcrowding and drunken/drug driving…

I hope they do come to a last minute deal like last year; but unfortunately it seems that those with money and power would clearly rather sacrifice peoples holiday time than let the strike happen during the start of the business week in a new year…