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Are There Actually Any Good Legal Highs?

Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs Are There Actually Any Good Legal Highs?

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  • I think some of the legal chems at the moment are very good.

    aMT- is a very nice chemical, quite a potent psychedelic, not for everybody and the duration can be a bit long. It lasted around 16 hours on me.
    6-apb- I thought this chemical was fucking amazing, very MDMA like, touchy feely rushes, and some empathy, and got quite trippy.
    5-apb- couldnt really tell the difference from 6-apb, apart from it being a bit more rushy?
    Camfetamine- nice stimulant, not much more to say really.
    Methoxetamine- I think this chemical is pretty fucked up and causes me fucked up introspective thoughts and a lot of confusion and crazy disassociation. But cant help taking massive doses of it.

    mesketamine isn’t even known to be legit yet, it could be a mix of bullshit chemicals.

    i tried methoxetamine (about 100mg up the nose) last night and really enjoyed it. had no idea what to expect and have never touched ketamine so the very fucking full-on nature of what i can only describe as an insane trip, took me by surprise. lasted ages (1930h – to about 0330h) and i remember thinking there was no way i would make it to work but by 1000h i was feeling ok. probably the trippiest chemical i’ve tried – made LSD seem quite tame and i can imagine it not being everyone’s cuppa. at one point i spent about 20minutes in the dark filming the blue and red LEDs on my stereo with my phone-camera!!! utterly fucking mental

    & hello there p0ly & how’s you:)

    @abbado100 445118 wrote:

    i tried methoxetamine (about 100mg up the nose) last night and really enjoyed it. had no idea what to expect and have never touched ketamine so the very fucking full-on nature of what i can only describe as an insane trip, took me by surprise. lasted ages (1930h – to about 0330h) and i remember thinking there was no way i would make it to work but by 1000h i was feeling ok. probably the trippiest chemical i’ve tried – made LSD seem quite tame and i can imagine it not being everyone’s cuppa. at one point i spent about 20minutes in the dark filming the blue and red LEDs on my stereo with my phone-camera!!! utterly fucking mental

    & hello there p0ly & how’s you:)

    i’m alright mate finally posted then. As far as your LSD comparison goes i don’t think you’ve had a full on high dose LSD trip! blows a dissociative hole out x1000.

    If your looking for something legal in the UK, aMT is your best bet. Lots of trip reports and experiences on Erowid. Only one worth your time really if euphoria is what you want. Mind you, Its not bad stuff at all.

    Not to get in over my head. But is a great LEGIT place to see what research chemicals are used on the market for education reasons. These are NOT meant for consumption. Research at your own discretion.






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Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs Are There Actually Any Good Legal Highs?