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How does a police search go like?

Forums Life Law How does a police search go like?

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  • My one bit of advice is if you are caught in possesion of a largish quantity of drugs, is to give your address as no fixed abode. That and don’t say a fucking word ’till you get your brief. Always get a brief. Recently a good mate was sent down for three years. First offence! He got caught with 60 pills when a party in may got busted. His parents house was ripped apart and because he gave a statement without his brief he pretty much admitted to dealing. After that it was a nice easy bust for the filth and the jury took about two minutes to decide he was guilty and the judge decided to make an example of him. Whilst summing up he said ” if you can obtain such a large quantity of drugs, you are clearly involved heavily in the drugs trade.” Now he wasn’t, he just wanted to make a quick couple of quid so he could go on holiday. 3 fucking years for a first time non violent offender. He’s now banged up in winchester 22 hours a day in a cell with a bloke who beat up two policemen, Who got by the way a shorter sentance than my mate. :rant: :rant:

    By the way if any young ladies would care to write to him I’m sure it would cheer him up no end. :groucho: :groucho: P.M me and ill pass on his address.

    The moral of this story i suppose is keep your mouth shut, and NEVER trust plod.

    no matter how much you get caught with, always say its for personal use and never give the impression you are passing onto someone else, selling or even just giving out






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Forums Life Law How does a police search go like?