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It’s getting kinda old…

Forums Drugs It’s getting kinda old…

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  • @DeezNuts 521858 wrote:

    I’m the same.. seriously how do people even afford to do it daily they must be wasting so much money on it with their massive tolerances..

    Well once you get into the habit it can be hard to break. It just becomes one of those things where you’re barely aware of what you’re doing, it just becomes a part of your life. Just like a lot of people have with coffee, where they seem to need double espressos all the time, only because coffee’s external effects are a lot less noticeable to others we don’t call people out on it.

    During college I smoked weed every day, it was enjoyable no doubt about it, had some great times but then this is probably more down to being with friends and such rather than being blazed. It did pretty much become a part of life, but I think I was lucky in that I never really had any adverse effects and it didn’t effect my motivation and I came away with good grades (and good grade lul) but yeah after college I cut down massively and I enjoy weed a lot more because of that.

    Im prescribed marijuana,an i think it like other drugs can really enhance or bring to the surface emotions u havent dealt with.for some ppl it helps them stuff emotions away,i dont think ill ever get bored with it cuz im very sensitive to it.i use it as a pain releiver,part of seizure Therapy,it deff gives me a boost physically,as well as creativly.its a tool when use correctly the benifits outway negatives,id agree give it a break.

    @maxhaxmax 521668 wrote:

    So after smoking weed for about 2 years, its getting old. Getting high used to be so exciting and fun. Now its becoming just another run of the mill stupid feeling.
    Not tolerance mind you, the high is the same, but its just getting boring.

    Whats your favorite thing to do while high? Anything new, that’s just, super fun and exciting?

    explore life then go back to smokin occasionally






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Forums Drugs It’s getting kinda old…