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  • i took a few pills that acording to the stall owner would get me tripping but done nothing to me. saying that i have smoked herbal spliffs that get me pretty lean. i got them all at camden m.

    I looked at the London Underground website – 98% of the stuff there is illegal in the US. Sucks…All the so called legal highs (except for Salvia, which we get in pretty high quality) that show up here are total bullshit.

    The common denominator appears to be BZP in the unavailable in the US stuff…Yet another reason to make a trip over there!

    Dasein;234815 wrote:
    I looked at the London Underground website – 98% of the stuff there is illegal in the US. Sucks…All the so called legal highs (except for Salvia, which we get in pretty high quality) that show up here are total bullshit.

    The common denominator appears to be BZP in the unavailable in the US stuff…Yet another reason to make a trip over there!

    BZP is fucking rank anyway mate i wouldnt be too sad about losing that one!

    djprocess;234823 wrote:
    BZP is fucking rank anyway mate i wouldnt be too sad about losing that one!

    Maybe I’m just too open to new experiences…I hear ‘legal highs’ next to unsolicited positive reviews and the first thing that comes to mind is “gimme some!”

    Dasein;234999 wrote:
    Maybe I’m just too open to new experiences…I hear ‘legal highs’ next to unsolicited positive reviews and the first thing that comes to mind is “gimme some!”

    each to thier own i guess, my thought on bzp are that its similar to crap speed, the high isnt as good as speed, but it seems to last just as long if not longer and you feel fucking gruesome on the comedown, worse than a base comedown imo :yakk:

    I havent ever dabbled with legal highs or smart drugs (what the difference), and I stopped taking the ‘real thing’ a few years back. I’d love to try some decent legal highs, but have no idea where to start! Do any actually work at all? Im pretty sensitive to drugs in general so that may be a good thing here.

    I guess im looking for a keep awake stimulant/euphoric but not psychedelic. (something to help stay awake and happy while VJing!) I see some pills contain ephedra (isnt that a slimming pill) and other chemicals rather than herbal stuff – Sounds dodgy… or not? Can anyone unravel this a little bit for me and suggest somewhere to start?

    NB. sorry i just noticed another thread about htis – apologies for double posting! Plus I should have probably said herbal highs in the title not just legal highs.. oops

    djprocess;235015 wrote:
    each to thier own i guess, my thought on bzp are that its similar to crap speed, the high isnt as good as speed, but it seems to last just as long if not longer and you feel fucking gruesome on the comedown, worse than a base comedown imo :yakk:

    Why is everyone obsessed with BZP its not in any of the new pills.

    i was just replying to daseins post mate.. there is also still loads of sights trying to push stupidly cheap bzp for ‘research purposes’ before the law completely rules it out.

    deepgreen;235028 wrote:
    I havent ever dabbled with legal highs or smart drugs (what the difference), and I stopped taking the ‘real thing’ a few years back. I’d love to try some decent legal highs, but have no idea where to start! Do any actually work at all? Im pretty sensitive to drugs in general so that may be a good thing here.

    I guess im looking for a keep awake stimulant/euphoric but not psychedelic. (something to help stay awake and happy while VJing!) I see some pills contain ephedra (isnt that a slimming pill) and other chemicals rather than herbal stuff – Sounds dodgy… or not? Can anyone unravel this a little bit for me and suggest somewhere to start?

    NB. sorry i just noticed another thread about htis – apologies for double posting! Plus I should have probably said herbal highs in the title not just legal highs.. oops

    try sudafed. 😉

    the lucazade rush allways helps me to stay up allnight:weee:

    stay away from the legal highs if i was you man, the companies making these know exactly what there doing, they make all these party pills sound like the greatest thing since sliced bread, a load of bollox really they will never beat the real thing and everyone knows it.

    however there are a couple of good psychedelic highs out there, im sure you have heard of salvia before!:bounce_fl

    Yes, salvia I’ve heard of. Not looking for psychedelics though. So what you are saying is that NONE of the herbal highs work?

    deepgreen;235059 wrote:
    Yes, salvia I’ve heard of. Not looking for psychedelics though. So what you are saying is that NONE of the herbal highs work?

    all of the herbal pills that i have tried have all been pretty dissapointing, probably because i was comparing them to real thing, i reckon if you have never experienced ecstasy before then these legal pills would seem pretty good.
    also, most of these herbal pills contain lots of crushed up hawaiin baby woodrose seeds in them, its the main ingredient in most of them, hbws are pretty intense and when i tried herbal pills the main feeling i got was the buzzy/spaced out/trippy feeling that you get with hbws.
    Give kratom a go if you want something that gives you loads of energy, i did a load of kratom once and when i came up on it i felt like i was on coke, after a couple of hours you feel relaxed and quite euphoric.
    my advise to you would be to try these hawaiin baby woodrose seeds though and see what you think, they are psychedelic but they give you energy and euphoria too (there the only legal high i would ever buy again bar salvia), get them from they sell good quility seeds at a low price.

    I’m not obsessed with it at all…I just thought the pills that had been mentioned earlier in the post were also the ones that had BZP in them on the LU website. Crap speed I can do without, but if I could get legal pills that get me off and don’t cost 20per, I’d be stoked.

    Dasein;235121 wrote:
    I’m not obsessed with it at all…I just thought the pills that had been mentioned earlier in the post were also the ones that had BZP in them on the LU website. Crap speed I can do without, but if I could get legal pills that get me off and don’t cost 20per, I’d be stoked.

    are pills 20$ in america now? when i was over there they were only 10$, i say only, but thats still pretty steep compared to uk prices… the ones in the us were a lot better than the ones over here tho even if we did get warned not to buy out there cause all the pills are pricey and shit.

    bzp works as a drug but i dunno if its really what your looking for, personally i dont enjoy it





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