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My 2 trips on dmt and acid

Forums Drugs Trip Reports My 2 trips on dmt and acid

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  • @Savvydravvy 529895 wrote:

    Music is the key!

    The key to what mate?

    @barrettone 529896 wrote:

    The key to what mate?

    To a good experience maybe?

    I’m not sure I think trying to engineer a comfortable situation can work/make a really real difference if you’re prone to flaking on acid. I’ve had a few amazing experiences camping with my best friend in the middle of absolutely fucking nowhere. But nothing I or anyone’s done has stopped me from flaking in every other situation. Then again I’m several flavours of medically recognised fruitcake, so what’s true for me isn’t necessarily true for anyone but me.

    Maybe it comes down to whether it’s a situation where you can allow yourself to not care how weirdly abstract your senses become, and how utterly at the mercy of them you are.

    If you can’t really tell anyone that when you looked at the sky just now, it kind of felt like you were looking at the waves from beneath the ocean, and that even though you’re clearly not somewhere under the sea, you can’t really shake the feeling that you are, and that even though the air on the one hand feels perfectly normal, on the other it kind of feels like it’s slowing everyone’s movements just as if you were under water, and even though the light isn’t filtering through waves and making crawling lines of shadows and hilights across everything, it still kind of looks like it is… That’s when I start flaking. Or actually, I start long before that, when my senses are just starting to get a little bit strange. And I usually have to flee somewhere because I feel like everyone I know would rather I fucked off,and everyone I don’t are looking at me as if I’ve got six legs, two heads & I’ve just scarfed down someone’s pet rat with the appetite of a starving monster or something (figuratively I mean, not literally).

    But on a rare few occasions that same “everything’s getting increasingly abstract” – the ones alone with my best friend in the middle of nowhere – instead feels cool and interesting and more like the kind of fantasy you want to have instead of the kind of total alienation you can’t escape however badly you want to (when I get panicky & start doing stupidly self destructive shit it’s definitely not nothing that makes me flake, it’s the inability to feel like/how I normally feel).

    Yeah I understand where your coming from, I love talking about my trip and what I’m experiencing and finding out what others are while/after the trip also, and I know others don’t like that, I just find it all interesting. Haha I know what you mean, I do get a bit paranoid like that when I’m having a bad trip too, I wonder why people are lookin at me for so long as if I’m doing something weird.

    Yeah I would, I don’t think DMT is for me any more, but that’s something I’ll write about another time, I like to know I’m safe in reality just a little bit rather than lose total control

    @barrettone 529896 wrote:

    The key to what mate?


    @p0ly 529519 wrote:

    from what i believe you seem to have regular incidents where you have messed up trips and a not so fun confusing difficult experience… to be perfectly honest with you you sound like psychedelics are not really made for your brain to me dude… most people have a laugh and are comfortable maybe you’re one of the unfortunate ones who can suffer from ‘nut nut’ :laugh_at: (just the name nut nut.. mental conditions aren’t a laughing matter (cameras ready prepare to flash… damn i hope someone knows that song)…

    This dude definitely suffered nut nut from rugs. I tried to warn him in several threads. but tis cool Allah is the creator :laugh_at: … yet never even read the koran… WIN!!!


    @p0ly 529713 wrote:

    TBH LSD and mushrooms always put me in a happier fluffy magical head space than with weed. Weed makes me para all the time whereas I don’t really get para on psys much at all compared to weed. with cid and mushies there’s so much nice serotonin flowing and amazing feeling that happiness prevails whereas weed always steers me off into negative mindset.

    i had an AMAZING acid trip 6 years back and when i was coming down i did a bong hit… it all turned sour from there and put me in a mini panicy state…

    when we pulled up near my house my friends continued to smoke bongs and i started getting out of body experience i was in the sky looking down at the car i was in… i started pranging and left for my house running thinking i was being followed. then i lay in my bed for a good 3-4 hours shook up listening to 4 infected mushrooms songs on repeat which slowly chilled me out.. I smoked on my first time doing cid and as long as you have weed tolerance and are smoking beforehand doesn’t seem to bad but a bong hit after a strong cid trip just put me on a fucking weird one!

    glad the mushies did the job for you. i love their music too.
    tbh i don’t feel the need to smoke on acid it would in some way be too much. not that I had any for years mind you.
    not until I’m quite a lot of the way down again but often i think it’s best just to chill and cool some more 🙂
    had some cid on top of hash cake once, that was explosive (fortunatly a good friend was on the trip also :-))






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports My 2 trips on dmt and acid