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What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?

Forums Drugs What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?

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  • just beerskies for me too, but i can live with that

    Cider again. I’m looking forward to a certain package arriving tomorrow or Saturday though! 🙂

    Just a large joint and some clonazepam. I’m also expecting a package of goodies in the next few days.

    Don’t do them, guess I’m a square.

    None but I just stood up really quickly and got a bit of a head rush.

    A quick tip for all K and Benzo lovers. If you crush up and sniff 2x 2mg Clonazepam you get a short-cut to extreme wobbly leg moonboots without the disassociate effect, and of course the mellow benzo buzz.

    This experiment was partaken after eating 40mg of clonazepam in 10 minutes though.

    If you decide to try the first part of the experiment and it doesn’t work the preparatory 40mg must be a requisite.

    You may also find yourself stuck in some kind of hole but it won’t be of the K variety.

    Diazepam, weed and cider. Nice! :love:

    cocaine biatchhh

    @joksgez 552642 wrote:

    cocaine biatchhh

    Never heard of Cocaine Biatchhh; must be one of them dodgy named synthetic brands of cocaine

    @The Psyentist 552645 wrote:

    Never heard of Cocaine Biatchhh; must be one of them dodgy named synthetic brands of cocaine

    hahah im so stoned now big change from wired to stoned, i cant hack ganja anymore it just turns me in to a mongol

    @joksgez 552694 wrote:

    i cant hack ganja anymore it just turns me in to a mongol

    Stay away from my wall you god damn Mongolians!

    @Naustro 552511 wrote:

    Don’t do them, guess I’m a square.

    Possibly more of a rhombus.

    Fucked my back up earlier (I twanged it the other day when lifting weights, but stupidly carried on til I’d finished my target amount of reps – I payed for that earlier when I sneezed and something just went in my back and dropped me to my knees for an 8-count), so I’ve decided to self-medicate and prescribed myself some Beck’s, some weed and some Nitrazepam! Only taken 10ml of the mogadon so far, but the night is yet young…

    @MC G-Tek 553061 wrote:

    Fucked my back up earlier (I twanged it the other day when lifting weights, but stupidly carried on til I’d finished my target amount of reps – I payed for that earlier when I sneezed and something just went in my back and dropped me to my knees for an 8-count), so I’ve decided to self-medicate and prescribed myself some Beck’s, some weed and some Nitrazepam! Only taken 10ml of the mogadon so far, but the night is yet young…

    Ouch sounds painful man. Back injuries are the worst. Fell off me bike the other week on the way back from my mates house after a weekend of benz0 enfused antics, proper cained my back after landing on my shoulder!?! weird.. anyway hope the pain aint that bad and returns to your normal self soon!

    As for me, been having a few days of healthy living, no drugs, no smoking, no drinking and lots of fruit and sleep in the run up to this weekend. The preparations for this weekends madness are almost complete :devil_wag


    @season. 553075 wrote:

    Ouch sounds painful man. Back injuries are the worst. Fell off me bike the other week on the way back from my mates house after a weekend of benz0 enfused antics, proper cained my back after landing on my shoulder!?! weird.. anyway hope the pain aint that bad and returns to your normal self soon!

    As for me, been having a few days of healthy living, no drugs, no smoking, no drinking and lots of fruit and sleep in the run up to this weekend. The preparations for this weekends madness are almost complete :devil_wag


    Cheers mate, it’s eased off a little bit (or that may just be the drugs making me think so) and I’ve just remembered I’ve got 2 zopiclone that I stashed ages ago, may have one of those in a minute to add a little extra to the mix!

    Good call on the healthy front pal, hope you have a brilliant weekend. Think I’m a little envious as I know what sorts of shenanigans you’re likely to get up to! Be safe, have fun & enjoy it dude! 🙂






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Forums Drugs What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?