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  • anyone tried it and can give me an account of their expierience? checked it out on erowid but wanna hear sum reports from like minded ppl! Done acid and 2cb so let me no wat the differences are e.t.c :crazy: nice one!

    ive done DMT in ayahausca and it was pretty cool… got some characters in my visions… a buddist waved at me…. lots of patterning etc…. worth a shot… get it.

    yes boss great help indeed. Should be aquiring some at sum point so wil post a trip report afta i dabble in the substance. ez

    im desperate to get hold of some … no one seems to have any

    Ok, here is my experince and what happen to me;

    I have astma so smoking DMT proved not possible and I was on the same time taking an anti-depresant moclebemid wich is a moai drug. So my friends and me thought I should have a go at snorting it. Dosage level I cant remember, but it was correct as far as I know. You need more when you snort it and you are not blasted away, it comes much like ketamin. So there I sat in the sofa and relaxed I had been told to shut my eyes but I had not done that yet….suddenly after a few minnuttes maybe five everything with and egde to it got sparkling colours in the egdes, table edge got a bit hollow and the hollow field turned into sparkling colours wich was spiraling away from me then turned like a pulse towards me, still my eyes was open. Then it came a sudden and intense urge to puke so I literaly ran for the toilet….for a bystander this must have seen like a bummer but it was NOT. I puked my guts out, with a smile on my lips. Then the puking calmed down, and I looked t down the toilet bowl and it was turned transparent and totaly clear for a moment, the sparkling colours came back and started spiraling again, an force told me look up, and I did, the white ceramicaltiles wich was all around me came slowly howering out of the walls and they had colours. The urge for puking came back and went like on and off for the rest of the trip so I stayed in that combined toilet and bath room. Back to the tiles wich still was howering straight out of the wall, slowly……..still with colours, then one of them came throug my head, strange feeling that, but not frightning. My friend have a inflateable bathing ball hanging from the celing it has the globe printed on it, but now it was filled with colours. I turned around because I started to hear sounds from everywhere had a look in the mirror but I could not se my face. Where my face was supposed to be there was just intense radiating shades and spots of colours but they had sound when they moved around in the spot that once was my face….since I saw this I realised that this was a banging good trip, no sense of fear, my eyes was there how else could it be that a saw this. Sounds from the street reached me and I looked in that direction and I saw through the wall an down to where it came from, heard a conversation and saw their faces, they came out of an car, then came the sound of a car-door being shut….I tell you that gave me a big thrill. The trip went on and on for more than an hour with tiles howering and a transparenent toilet, my face like melting ice-cream with colours, sound came and went…..Through the whole seance the feeling of being lifted was there…..strong, Remember I puked the guts out while all this was “happening” but not once feeling sick!

    Ok, this was what I found on my DMT trip….there are details that I have left out because I cant explain in words what it was…..some people will call it a religious spirit, but I am not religious so for me it is just a field I want to explore more. But next time outside in a forrest, nearby water, do not know why but it sounds right to me.

    This session happen 1 year ago. Since the session I had no need for anti-depresant medication….

    This maoi thing is NOT to be played with as I realised after reading this;

    I also have to point out that this was working good with me and I do not tell you to do it. It should be considered that DMT is not what you bring to a social occasion like a party, more like what you do with your closest friends or with guidiance in a secured enviroment.

    (english is my second language, so fuck my spelling and grammmar)

    Wow sinner, nice trip! Glad it had a good after effect too 😉

    ur right about respect and about it bein best in privacy and good company.

    V interesting stuff.

    that does sound good, not entirely sure about the puking tho

    i snorted it from yopo before

    it took about 2 hours to peak and about 15 hours to reach baseline.

    fairly strong visual and auditory halluginations were the good bit

    nasty aches and pains were the bad bit

    hav tried it once, smoked, dont think got enuff down quick enuff but it was still gud much like described above with a distinct feelin of something else bein ther, felt great for days n days n days, hav still got sum left, saved for a trip to the mountain this summer :love: cant wait felt like it had big potential,

    and Sinner english is my first language n ya grammer n spellin is better than mine!

    Digital-A wrote:
    im desperate to get hold of some … no one seems to have any

    Yerr, l want in on it too.

    I bought some “yopo” snuff once, if l remember rightly (this was ages ago) it was rich in 5-MeO-DMT. It’s basically all these ground up seeds of Anadenanthera colubrina (spelt right? can’t be asked to research the proper name hehe).

    I snorted it, went down the bar with some mates, and l just sat there with badly watering red eyes and the occasional sneeze. Let me tell you it hurt like mad, it was like snorting glass. Luckily l managed to blow my nose and get most of the damn stuff out.

    So how on earth you mean to trip off any DMT seeds you get off the net??? I’ve no idea what l did wrong with the yopo snuff.

    ive got a load of saved files and instructions on yopo seeds, let me read through and ill post again ….

    cool :weee:

    How To Use Cebil And Yopo

    Cebil (Anadenanthera colubrina seed) has a history of being smoked and used as a snuff. Archaeological evidence shows that Anadenanthera colubrina seeds have been smoked since about 2500 BCE (Puna region, Argentina).

    Waika shamans (Venezuela) use yopo snuff (Anadenanthera peregrina seed) by inhaling it through tubes made from hollowed out plant stems. Before inhaling the snuff, the shamans gather and chant, hoping to invoke the spirits the are attempting to communicate with (when they are intoxicated).

    The snuff is blown by a fellow shaman (using a tube) into the nose of the user. The effects are almost instant. At first there is a profuse flow of mucus from the nasal passages. There may be a quivering of muscles (especially arms) and a contorted expression on the face.

    This period quickly gives way to one where the user calls to the spirits (Hekula) by motioning with the body and shrieking violently. This lasts about 30-60 minutes, and when finished, the shaman falls into a trance-like stupor. This is the period in which communication with spirits are experienced. (reference 4)

    Smoking Anadenanthera colubrina or Anadenanthera peregrina seed may produce some mildly psychoactive sensations. Some users say smoking the seeds can produce powerful visuals but most prefer cebil or yopo nasal inhalation for a stronger experience. Seed from either Anadenanthera peregrina or Anadenanthera peregrina may be used to make psychoactive snuff.
    The effects will be nearly the same if equal amounts of cebil or yopo are ingested by inhalation. It is recommended that you use whatever seed is cheaper to obtain, get 14-28 grams of seeds to start with.

    If you have no source for seeds, check out bouncing bear, they have Anadenanthera colubrina seeds (cebil) and Anadenanthera peregrina seeds (yopo). They also sell lime or shells and ship from the USA to most other countries.

    In order to be absorbed by the body, the seeds must be prepared prior to use:

    — use 1-4 seeds per person
    — heat seeds on low heat until they pop
    — separate the outer seed from the inner seed
    — the inner part of the seed is used
    — discard the outer seed shell
    — heat the remaining inner seed on low
    — stop heating when it is hard and crunchy
    — crush the seed

    use a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, etc.

    — mix the following

    2 parts seed : 1 parts lime or shell : 1 parts baking soda

    — add a few drops of water to form a paste
    — mix well and heat on low until material dries
    — crush dry material into a fine powder

    use a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, etc.

    Fresh seeds will puff up and pop (revealing the inner part of the seed) when lightly heated (may take up to 20-30 minutes). A small pot or pan works well, a lid will help retain heat. After the seed pops, separate the outer seed from the inner seed and discard the outer seed.

    The inner part of the seed is then crushed into a powder and mixed with lime (or shells) and baking soda. A small amount of water is added to the mixture to form a paste. Mix the paste well, so that all ingredients are combined together.

    Then put in a pot or pan and supply low heat to evaporate the water from the paste. When the paste dries into a powder, use a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle to crush the mixture into a fine powder that can be snorted.

    It may take a while for the mixture to dry, a fan can help speed things up. Edible lime or shell (containing lime) must be added to the mixture in order to be absorbed by the human body effectively. Baking soda added to the mixture will also improve bodily absorption.

    i believe DDP your problem may have been one of two things …

    –> you didnt get enough of it (read my last post on how shamens take it)

    –> it was made incorrectly and lime wasnt added to make the body absorb it effectively






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