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    that is the address of a reliable retailer …

    Cheers m8, l think the problem might have been that the vendor didn’t prepare it properly.

    I did nothing by way of preparing the mixture.

    I snorted it over the space of 40 mins instead of instantly (cos it hurt so badly), l suppose that would blatantly diminish the fx as u need a hit don’t ya.

    Damn, all this stuff about lime and whatnot, is there anyone that suppplies phalaris extract e.g. quality phalaris juice?

    Yeah l was wondering if there was anyone that sold the extract though, as l don’t want to risk it if the local river’s contaminated with mercury and other heavy metals….

    Cheers Tomm

    DynamicDon’tPanic wrote:
    Yeah l was wondering if there was anyone that sold the extract though, as l don’t want to risk it if the local river’s contaminated with mercury and other heavy metals….

    Cheers Tomm

    mmmm … i believe your only option is google or try and find a vendor of most other substances and ask them …

    good luck on your search mate, keep me posted 🙂

    does ur body consume lime then, or help if u put baking powder into it, i would think it would just get stuck in ur lungs?

    Adding lime (not sure about baking soda) is more to do with pharmacy (helping the drug go down nicely) than pharmacology (the working of the drug)…

    It somehow increases the blood levels of alkaloids (drugs containing nitrogen that come from plants or someat).

    I think: may hav the seeds but i doubt they will sell the made up powder, u will jus hav to look!






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Forums Drugs DMT DMT