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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests The “Queen of Consciousness” Driving Psychedelic Study and Advocacy Reply To: The “Queen of Consciousness” Driving Psychedelic Study and Advocacy

Yeah I know what you mean, Shulgin and Nichols have their name attached to probably 80% of compounds made in the last 40 years or so and even though there is more research going on with psychedelics, these researchers are sticking to well known compounds for study in humans. There are very obvious reasons for this and it’s only going to be when these trials show the benefits and medicinal properties of traditional psychedelics have been proven that tolerance of other psychedelics will be possible.

As for new compounds, I d get newsletters from some producers and every 3 months, there are new compounds so obviously some chemists are still very productive, even if they are working in the shadows.