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Forums The Vibe Introductions Many years have passed since my last appearance Reply To: Many years have passed since my last appearance

It’s so nice to know that your still here GL, really missed your posted. haha yep, I’m closer to 40 than I’d like to admit now and the white hair is overty noticable too – the midlife crisis hasn’t hit yet but I’m braced for it – I’ve still not learnt to drive at all yet, just got so many things going on lately that its crazy. I’ve been sober for years now, not touched a drop or taken anything in years, although I do get sent a care package from a mate very few months of his delightful homegrown, but I’ve honestly not been happier, I’ve put on so much weight it’s crazy – 4 stone in 2 years – I’m what the kids call a big chungus now haha.

So is the good Dr. B still steering the ship, I know since the site split and format shake up things died off a bit, but hopefully some others are still lurcking or that may be wishful thinking.