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Re: All You clubbers and ravers Here!!!!!!

Forums Drugs All You clubbers and ravers Here!!!!!! Re: All You clubbers and ravers Here!!!!!!

Bizarre. Some very interesting suggestions for things to do while rolling (trans. off your face) . Many activities include vicks vapour rub. imho the activity that is obviously missing, for male rollers, is rubbing vicks on yer testicles and doing a headstand against the wall until you can’t bear it any longer. Believe me, it would fit in the list nicely. You’ve got to visit, if you haven’t already. I wish I could remember the site where I first saw those pills. I think it was German. And it actually contained some useful info – like chemical constituents etc. rather than daft things to do when your brain’s mangled, and anything you do seems daft anyway. Much PLUR, natch. Just not my cup of T