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Re: Drug addiction on rise among Delhi’s teens

Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery Drug addiction on rise among Delhi’s teens Re: Drug addiction on rise among Delhi’s teens

and to think that certain western companies offshored their work to India because young Indian employees “would work hard and not get off their heads on drugs.. or sklack off “

the conservative politicians of India are bound to blame this on “Western influence”

and if the drug culture starts affecting corporate productivity in the offshored companies, work could start disappearing across the border to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, who are already hoping for a cut of the lucrative outsourcing business; they could easily use their harsher social controls to claim “well our people aren’t junkies…”

could all get a bit messy in the future and I don’t mean the goa-trance parties (which are gonna take a LOT of flak for this IMO)