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Re: Link to Northern party review from SJ

Forums Rave Party Reports Link to Northern party review from SJ Re: Link to Northern party review from SJ

Nice 1!

What that review doesnt mention, is that the Mission/missile crew pulled together a mightily phat party last w/end – 6 rigs, massive varied site within abt 400m of Old Trafford footy ground, at least 1500 pple, dibble thwarted, wicked vibe… a later post on SJ abt that one too, started 28th Sept i think

Not sure abt this whole – theres not much party scene up north thing – admitedly, indoor scene in Manc has been pretty dead for a while until this year, but outdoor scene is rocking – lots of crews all over, throwing top parties in all sorts of amazing counrtyside. Reckon that parties are generally on the smaller side than doon sooth maybe..