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Re: Reported post in : => Trance Dance Festival “CKA3KA” Aug 26–28, NY: CPU, Penta, Mekkanikka, Polaris

Forums Rave Festivals Reported post in : => Trance Dance Festival "CKA3KA" Aug 26–28, NY: CPU, Penta, Mekkanikka, Polaris Re: Reported post in : => Trance Dance Festival “CKA3KA” Aug 26–28, NY: CPU, Penta, Mekkanikka, Polaris

it seems a bit shady and kyle doesn’t strike me as the smartest kid on the block sometimes but TBH the feds cant do a lot about it and he’s not really incriminating himself that much

just seems like yet another newbie eager to get involved

supplies could be anything – not just drugs – could mean rigs, equipment, venues, DJs, people, whatever. UK youths have posted similar stuff before…

not sure if its quite enough for Crockett and Tubbs to stove his door in…but you never know the yanks – one moment its “liberty and pursuit of happiness” the next its “zero tolerance”

I reckon we need a mod from the US (like Lady Luck used to be) as none of us really have the local knowledge of their scene.