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Re: What do YOU take Valium for?

Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs What do YOU take Valium for? Re: What do YOU take Valium for?

Im currently on around 10-15mg a day atm for anxiety and insomnia issues. This is partially though because of abusing benzos in the past. I’d get pure Diazepam powder and dab at it like a motherfucker. Etizolam also played a part in my addiction to benzos. I’ve tried alot of Benzos (Diazepam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam, Temazepam, Phenazepam, Etizolam (Theino~)). For recreational use Diazepam or Lorazepam are the best in my opinion but my advice to anyone is to try and use Benzodiazepines as little as you can.

So yeah, I used to use them almost daily for recreational use for months until I found out that when I stopped taking them, I would get tight chested, my heart would pound in, what used to be not-so-stressful situations and I just couldn’t think right without them. The insomnias a right bastard too.