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2-fa and 4-fa

Forums Drugs Amphetamines 2-fa and 4-fa

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  • OK so I haven’t written much about my latest research intocompounds for one reason or another but I will try post something on each compound and if people have questions about things please ask.

    Alright, I’m grouping these together as they are almost the same compound and vary very little in effect. As the name impies these are flourinated amphetamine, amphetamine with a flourine atom added, and 2-fa and 4-fa differ only by the location of the flourine atom on the phenethylamine ring (2 postition and 4 position). Normally it seems the difference an additional atom or whatever added to an existing compound can make massively noticeable changes tpo the effect but this was not noted here.

    Compared to straight amphetamine, these lag behind but in terms of a recreational stimulant they beat most things with no contest. Euphoria, very good, stimulation, very good, ability to still act like you aren’t a drugged up twat, not bad.

    Have the corresponding 2 substitutions of methamphetamine to try now but no plans to do so in a hurry.






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines 2-fa and 4-fa