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5-APB and MDAI Dosage

Forums Drugs Research Chemicals 5-APB and MDAI Dosage

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  • Just bought a bit of both of theese, can any1 recommend a. dosage for a first time user, never taken either of this but very experienced in ket,coke,pills,mkat. Also whats the best way to take rtheese 2 powders thanks

    I recommend 0mg……………….

    take the good stuff you have been taking.

    but for MDAI you won’t even feel anything so at least eat/sniff 500mg…

    Hahaha :p Kk thanks mate is it anyfin lyk mdma?

    Not in the slightest. No stimulation at all, if you are going into it expecting even euphoria then expect disappointment.

    5-APB i cannot speak for. MDAI is a combo drug that’s all it’s good for.

    (and maybe an anti depressant but even then i have my doubts)

    MDAI you will need to take a LOT to feel anything and what you feel most likely won’t be very much. 5-APB I can’t comment on but its probable that its not even 5-APB that you’ve got.

    Taking it I’d recommend just swallowing, its not pleasant stuff to sniff.

    MDAI review I made about a year ago.

    Im not sure about mdai on its own. But 100mg MDAI and 50 mg or methylone is ok. It started working within half hour. I gotta tingly feeling all over. I never felt like I wanted to get up and do anything, but I guess that is because I was just watching TV and playing on my computer. Lasted about 1.5 hours. Next time I would up the dose to see if it gives me other desires to do things! But I did not want to try too much at first, because you never know how it is going to affect you. Plus some people do this, and they say its like rolling, and others try it and say they didnt feel anything. So your doses depend on you!






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals 5-APB and MDAI Dosage