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5 Days Detox – Natural Consumption Only

Forums Life Health & Medicine 5 Days Detox – Natural Consumption Only

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  • So haven’t taken any drugs for 8-10 days and in the last 7 days taken up exercise and biggest of all…

    Complete natural healthy diet and no chemical consumption. Been eating Salads and Stews and fruit/veg, Lemon (for when I get sugar cravings, i’ll eat chunks of lemon for a vitamin/small natural sour sugar fix.. it works!).. I made up that whole technique myself too 😉 (lemon – craving sugar).

    Yeah so basically just been stuffing my face with goodness and wanted to wish myself happy day 5 of mega detox.

    Probably will eat some crap at some point, but that’ll be due to doing so well and then either choosing ‘calories and food and chemicals in the food’ over ‘no calories no food and no chemicals’… Then i’ll probably fall back into eating bits here n there if all goes to plan.. rather have a super good diet to start my fitness off so when i go back to bad food it’s not that much of an issue cos i’m already heaaalthyyyyyy <3

    So good! Have you ever done a juice detox? So hard to do

    CBA to google it explain 😀

    @p0ly 498371 wrote:

    CBA to google it explain 😀

    Its just drinking fruit and vegetable juice and water only. No solid foods consumed, it’s pretty extreme but it can be done with a little dedication and self-discipline! Its juice because juice has alot of vitamins and antioxidants, its really good for you and cleans your body out COMPLETELY.

    I did one about a year ago to get ready for soccer pre-season. It felt ah mazing afterwards especially with some stretching and excersice, OMG! 😉

    Sounds interesting but…. I’m after CALORIES!! 😀 Meat and eggs and proteiiiiiiiiin shiiieyyttttt. I wanna put on weight! gain strength, protein to muscle mang.

    I don’t agree with these no solids diet’s or fasting, there’s no proof to say it’s of any benefit to you or your health afaik. Eating healthy food (what your body was designed to eat in the first place!) is a much more sensible idea. It can cause more damage then good from restricting your body from getting the things it needs (protein, a good amount of carbs that are low gi, veg etc etc).

    The only studies i can find that say it’s good for you to fast are from America and they don’t specify that the subjects are already eating healthily, as a fast from mac d’s every day imo would be a good thing, and probably shows up in test results as such.

    @p0ly 498376 wrote:

    Sounds interesting but…. I’m after CALORIES!! 😀 Meat and eggs and proteiiiiiiiiin shiiieyyttttt. I wanna put on weight! gain strength, protein to muscle mang.

    Oh ok, its not good for that then! I just thought you wanted to clean out all the chemicals in your body, but I mean that’s a whole new goal, you’re on a roll! Hey that rhymed (hehe:P)

    @DaftFader 498378 wrote:

    I don’t agree with these no solids diet’s or fasting, there’s no proof to say it’s of any benefit to you or your health afaik. Eating healthy food (what your body was designed to eat in the first place!) is a much more sensible idea. It can cause more damage then good from restricting your body from getting the things it needs (protein, a good amount of carbs that are low gi, veg etc etc).

    Well yeah, this isn’t a long term thing! Just for about 5 days until you have everything cleaned out of your system, it’s way easier to eat healthy when you’re starting with a clean slate…
    50% protein 25% starch 25% veg/fruit usually is the best, for me anyways, lean meats though (turkey, chicken, fish) which is what I like anyways so it works out! I hate red meat ewwwyyy

    hahaha america’s obese, there’s a documentary on a guy who ate mcdonalds EVERY MEAL, EVERY DAY for 30 days straight. He started off a thin rail and ended up HUGE, risking a huge part of his health, that’s what the stuff does to you..yikes

    25% starch? Do you mean carbs?

    Yeah, sorry lol same thing just americanized

    But I still try to eat whole grains, brown rice, and wheat pasta, 12 grain bread etc..
    No white processed carbs! No mashed potatoes:(

    Normally you don’t wanna eat more protein then carbs (weight by weight) as you can’t process it without carbs. Bodybuilders will normally have a MAX of 50/50 mix of carbs to protein (with veg etc added on) anywhere from 75%-50% carbs is about normal, a few do go crazy with protein but unless you are really “pumping iron” you’ll not need that much at all and it’s debatable if they are getting it right.

    Like you say though it’s what works best for you really, everyone’s bodies are different. I’m just going on what is generally said to be “good form” for food intake of active people.

    Yeah, if you’re trying to lose weight or tone then I find that a very low carb intake is necessary. If you’re getting the right vitamins and nutrients and plenty of water then that helps too. Pretty much everything contains carbs, I try to get mine from fruits which contain a lot of but the right carbs. I try to stay away from starchy carbs like bread and pasta for that just sticks in your stomach and has a hard time digesting. But yeah, a balanced diet is key to a healthy lifestyle, and getting plenty of exercise.

    carbs are less forgiving then protein if you over eat them as carbs will turn to fat to be stored more readily then protein will, it’s all about balancing exercise with your healthy diet to get the maximum healthyness possible. You should eat what you need and exercise to suit, not the other way round (although you will need to eat more the more exercise you do you don’t want to start cutting food drastically to loose weight, but instead do more exercise eating the same amount if possable.)

    I’ve found it’s more the type and intensity of the exercise you do rather then what you eat that makes the biggest difference. If you can raise your metabolism high enough through certain types of exercise then you can pretty much eat as much as you like and have a very low body fat ratio. You can even eat junk food a few times a week if you really want and it’ll just get burnt off, providing you got the exercise optimal for fat burning.

    Look into the after-burn effect and hiit, these are both a place to start looking for the best ways of exercising to reduce body fat without having to worry so much on eating less (enfact you may well eat more if you do it at high intensity and still loose weight!)

    Yay! Go for it p0ly! 🙂

    The OCCASIONAL treat or bit of “naughty food” should be OK… it’s nice to share a treat sometimes.

    But living on nothing but treats (fat and sugar and no vitamins)… well, it’s a recipe for disaster. Been there, done that, learned the HARD way…






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Forums Life Health & Medicine 5 Days Detox – Natural Consumption Only