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8 Amazing tips for beautiful Skin

Forums Life Health & Medicine 8 Amazing tips for beautiful Skin

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  • I am agree with the statement of “Nice threat. I like all posts because all tips are good for skin. For healthy skin it is good to eat fruits daily and fruit juice is good source of vitamins. It is good to use moisturizing soap for washing face.”

    @donaldd 506598 wrote:

    I am agree with the statement of “Nice threat. I like all posts because all tips are good for skin. For healthy skin it is good to eat fruits daily and fruit juice is good source of vitamins. It is good to use moisturizing soap for washing face.”

    well thats very insightful donald… and there was me thinking fruits had cyanide… so many really important things to consider in this life, im glad you brought this to my attention actually, altho it may have to wait till ive washed up cos im still trying to use this others guys anul tuff remover

    and welcome :wave: hope you can unlock a few more secrets of existence for us sometime soon

    Lol mike

    @sarah shalaa 490857 wrote:

    What are your tips for healthy skin? If I had to list a few of mine…

    3. Wear Sunscreen every day, skin cancer kills more young women than any other form of cancer, and it’s so tragic because it’s so preventable!

    Alternatively, don’t do too much UV radiation from the sun or sunbeds at one go. Don’t be afriad to cover your skin if you have a skin type that sunburns easily. Also, the FACTOR of the sunscreen if you do wear it is quite important – if you must spend a lot of time under the sun, or go in the sun closer to the equator (where UV rays are more concentrated) then use a higher factor sunscreen.

    @sarah shalaa 490857 wrote:

    4. Wash at the end of the day, your skin takes a lot of abuse every day, from pollution to sun damage to having to wear all that make-up. Reward it, and keep it looking fresh and healthy, by following this tip for pretty skin: wash it at the end of the day! [/quote]

    If you’re plastering all that make up on, why do you care how you skin looks with blusher, liner and homogeniser?

    @sarah shalaa 490857 wrote:

    5. Avoid harsh chemicals, did you know some of the skin cleansers you use can actually irritate and age your skin? Yikes! Check the labels and make sure your skin care products (especially washes) don’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate, a popular foaming agent.[/quote]

    Complete crap. Some people are actually allergic to soap and HAVE to use products with that sort of ingredient. Others are allergic to it.

    @sarah shalaa 490857 wrote:

    6. Eat Well, we are what we eat, and according to my dermatologist, if you eat a lot of junk food, your skin will tell on you.[/quote]
    Avoiding scurvy is a good idea.
    @sarah shalaa 490857 wrote:

    7. De-stress, stress can take its toll on your skin, leaving it looking dull, tired, and aged. De-stress regularly with yoga, meditation, or just a good run or cry

    Tears can increase “crows feet”, so don’t think they are just therapy, they can actually screw up your skin too.

    @sarah shalaa 490857 wrote:

    8. Start early, the earlier in your life you start caring for your skin, the longer it will look its best. Don’t wait until your skin looks and feels aged and tired — start your good skin habits now!

    Too late in my case. But thanks for the thoughts. 🙂

    @donaldd 506598 wrote:

    I am agree with the statement of “Nice threat. I like all posts because all tips are good for skin. For healthy skin it is good to eat fruits daily and fruit juice is good source of vitamins. It is good to use moisturizing soap for washing face.”

    Drinking lots of water and sleep are the best for good skin.

    Wouldn’t you drown doing those at the same time?






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Forums Life Health & Medicine 8 Amazing tips for beautiful Skin