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A Most Splendid Night Of Trytamine

Forums Drugs DMT A Most Splendid Night Of Trytamine

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  • @process 384455 wrote:

    where did you do this dude? ive been interested in that past life stuff for quite a while tbh, what happened? what was it like?

    A friend has a few recordings of diferant people that do it … It was more like a dream tbh .. i was allready tripping on k .. so was quite strange … tbh i didn’t contiously regress .. but i know somethign happened subcontously that made me think diferanlty after.

    @DaftFader 384458 wrote:

    A friend has a few recordings of diferant people that do it … It was more like a dream tbh .. i was allready tripping on k .. so was quite strange … tbh i didn’t contiously regress .. but i know somethign happened subcontously that made me think diferanlty after.

    you reckon i could get a copy of them recordings? is it possible to load them on the net so i can save them or have a listen? no worries if its a hastle. got them tarot cards today, pretty mad tbh. what ever makes them work the way they do is pretty strange! :crazy:

    Sure. I think he got them from a torrent anyway so I’ll see if he link you up ;).

    @DaftFader 384473 wrote:

    Sure. I think he got them from a torrent anyway so I’ll see if he link you up ;).

    safe. 🙂

    @1984 384350 wrote:

    fix yourself? not a nice experience then?

    no no it was a good trip but its just alot stronger than any other and kinda hard to believe were you go so what i meant is i spent the rest of the day trying to fugure out what happened to me and where that place is but well i still dont know but i will go back and find out


    this was the night tk cried cos of stubby 😀

    Was it? The foxy night? Still don’t like that stuff, I think its poops….

    that stuff destroyed me for 8 hours longer than you… there’s pic of me on failbook fucked on it my eyes look fucking massive! i couldn’t fucking move barely just laid there fucked trying not to laugh at tk and also i felt really bad for him, defo the drugs doing that.

    What? Main you feel bad for him!? Pff man up, its only tk lol

    9 1/2 “


    i should have given you the other 10mg cap or we should of split it at the start. i ended up giving that cap to parrotfish dunno if he ever took it i think he might of thrown it in in one of his mental mixes he does. load of acid and 2c lol

    @p0ly 482938 wrote:


    i should have given you the other 10mg cap or we should of split it at the start. i ended up giving that cap to parrotfish dunno if he ever took it i think he might of thrown it in in one of his mental mixes he does. load of acid and 2c lol

    Mental mixes are the way mate lol I’ve done my share of them

    yeah man when you have 4 potent psychedelics coursing through you you’re so amerced in the experience you really can’t get scared really, i mean if you were to take 3 potent tabs of just lsd that can get pretty fucking mindfucky and confusing.


    Tk….what a pranny

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Forums Drugs DMT A Most Splendid Night Of Trytamine