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ACID power today?

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs ACID power today?

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  • hi everyone,
    I’m a bit new to UK, however I’m not new to drugs.
    I’d like to take acid again…
    the problem with acids in Poland, the place I come from
    is that they are getting weaker and weaker and you cannot really tell how to dose.
    The recent peak of acid ammount in paper about 10 years, when
    it took 1/3 of square to shoot you out high enough to see yourself from above
    now quite often 1 square is not enough.
    that’s how the things are in my country

    Is that the same in UK?
    Do acids get weaker and weaker?
    Are there any currently recommended types (like cats or wizards or hoffman bikerides?)

    thanks for any comments


    as far as i can work out, it seems most blotter is relatively weak, but every once in a while someone makes some proper crazy shit (hoffmans 2000, or california sunshines). the last couple of cids i got were some rockets and some sunflowers. both of them took about two or so to get fucked, but i recon i could have done more.

    trouble with cid is that its riduculously easy to make a trip about half as potent by leaving it in the wrong conditions, like at glasto, when you cannot get good cid after saturday coz its all evaporated. this means the dosage will always be tricky.

    my prefered method is to do half first, way before you want to be battered. you can test the potency and it gets you in the right frame of mind. do half a tab and go for a walk. it sets you right up.

    i haven’t used it for years,

    but as far as i remember, unless it comes from a connessieur, it’s always been impossible to gauge dose without trying a little first… :confused:

    although even this isn’t without some surprises…

    I ate half a pyramid blotter one time that was like a being shot out of a psychoactive rocket launcher 😮 😀 🙂






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs ACID power today?