Party Vibe


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  • Why is acid so hard to come by these days?
    Ten years ago it was everywhere, now all thats about are weak ecstacy pills, that you have to take 6-10 a night.
    Maybe its just Yorkshire where its impossible to get hold of them, WHY?

    Look for this thread : Men convicted for huge LSD lab operation

    This might very well have to do with the difficulty in finding acid these days…

    Yeah Ive heard of these raids, but there seems to be alot of other people on other boards been able to get there hands on some pretty easily, not in Yorkshire though, what would be my chances of scoring some at one of the parties?
    Like I say in one of my posts in the Parties board, I’m new to this but wanna get into it, just wanna know what to expect really.

    Pills you can blatantly do every other we for years, plus they get hyped by the media. you can take pills and be on a spiritual “one love” tip, or you can just take ’em to get fuct.
    ACID is an entirely different kettle of mackrel. noone can sustain acid use (i’ve seen it tried- their both in the mental wing), so there is never gonna be the reliable, constant market for cid like there is 4 pillz. plus if you make cid an spil some on yourself, or sell it and touch every tab u sell from rippin it off the sheet, you can kiss your sanity goodbye.
    however, if you really want to blow your mind, find out what the inside of your head looks like and re-learn everything you ever knew over 12-16 hours, then you best bet is squatts in cities,festivals, free parties and travelers, they should direct you.
    personally i always find that acid finds me just when i need some in my life (every year or so), but maybe im just lucky.

    Originally posted by EllisD
    Yeah Ive heard of these raids, but there seems to be alot of other people on other boards been able to get there hands on some pretty easily, not in Yorkshire though, what would be my chances of scoring some at one of the parties?
    Like I say in one of my posts in the Parties board, I’m new to this but wanna get into it, just wanna know what to expect really.

    it tends 2 turn up during summer, and 4 some bizzare reason it is (usually) always quite a mission 2 find it!

    From a dealers POV it is difficult 2 store and keep and low profit balanced against risk (class A == max penalty LIFE imprisonment!), and doesn’t produce a fairly regular customer base like party drugs (pills, amphet etc) or hard drugs (heroin, crack) – like others have said u cannot cane it every weekend! (Not even so much u will go mad – drugs in general could do this, but it loses its effect if done regularly!)

    Places where hippies, squatters,hang out r often good. Look for ppl who do strange alternative art, usually they tend 2 know the sources 😉

    B very careful not to post identifiable locations, sources and stuff like that here though, this is a public board where coppers can read as well (and often do!)

    Well, the thing is, I’m off to Amsterdam in a couple of weeks, anybody know if Ill be able to get hold of any acid there? Or if so how is will it be to come by?

    …and you should have no problems in finding some 😉 If you can’t find any in Amsterdam, you may not have sought good enough 😀






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