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Adderall dosege.

Forums Drugs Amphetamines Adderall dosege.

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  • @Digital Buddha 597208 wrote:

    i guess i’m thinking about cocaine and it and amphet are apples to oranges, but with cocaine i’d like to be paying for an active cutting agent

    in the UK and many other European countries folk who get caught with bulk cutting agents get busted nearly as hard as they would if caught with cocaine;the british feds (National Crime Agency) warn people about this in their media releases

    UPDATE: Now have been insufflating 120 or 150 XR, and taking 40-60mg IR sublingual and/or oral. Sometimes with a 30mg pinch of Zolpidem.

    what is the difference between XR and IR? in the UK there are only 5mg generic dexamfetamine sulfate tablets on the official list (at least of 2009; I don’t have a newer formulary book)

    XR is little beads tha come in a capsule, IR is a tablet that can be chewed easily, same formulation I think

    RAD how do you get the beads in the XR crushed up so that they are suitable to snort?

    @Digital Buddha 601870 wrote:

    RAD how do you get the beads in the XR crushed up so that they are suitable to snort?

    I fold a piece of computer paper into 4 even pieces. Then open the paper and pour the beads on the long crease. Fold the long crease and hit the beads in the paper with a pool ball. Do this until you hear no more crunches and it is mega fine

    On another notee…
    My Doc wants to count my pills and im 12/30 short :crazy: AND IM 0 FOR 0 for Ambie

    I put asny chems that come in such a form inside a resealable plastic bag and roll a bottle or a rolling pin over it. Oh no, when he asks when you took the pills say you’re sorry but your attention was suffering a defecit at the time 😉

    @Requiem 602161 wrote:

    I put asny chems that come in such a form inside a resealable plastic bag and roll a bottle or a rolling pin over it. Oh no, when he asks when you took the pills say you’re sorry but your attention was suffering a defecit at the time 😉

    Sound like a plan

    Is an excellent method bud, if I need to crush any number or pills, say 18 or so, at a time I fold a sheet of paer down the middle pof its length fold it over the pills and crush in much the same way but it’s a bit more of a pain but I used that methed as I didn’t have a bag of suitable size for that at the time.

    @RaD 602160 wrote:

    I fold a piece of computer paper into 4 even pieces. Then open the paper and pour the beads on the long crease. Fold the long crease and hit the beads in the paper with a pool ball. Do this until you hear no more crunches and it is mega fine

    On another notee…
    My Doc wants to count my pills and im 12/30 short :crazy: AND IM 0 FOR 0 for Ambie

    I’ve luckily avoided pill counting but one time i was out of an ativan script within 10-20 minutes of getting home after filling it. come up with some good story dude






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Adderall dosege.