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Adderall tolerance vs meth tolerance

Forums Drugs Amphetamines Adderall tolerance vs meth tolerance

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  • So my question is this. Ive been using adderall for 8 months now. Because my tolerance is rising i decided to try crystal meth. Is my tolerance to addies hurting my enjoyment to meth? I guess i feel im not really as high as i should be? Any info or advice would be great. Thank you.

    there will be some cross tolerance

    By mixing the two you could experience sudden epilepsy or seizures.

    Don’t ever wait and say you’re fine doing both at the same time as they could occur permanently even after you stop.

    ADHD medication is seriously powerful, especially those that alter brain chemistry when infused with something toxic.

    @MysticGirls69 969315 wrote:

    By mixing the two you could experience sudden epilepsy or seizures.

    Don’t ever wait and say you’re fine doing both at the same time as they could occur permanently even after you stop.

    ADHD medication is seriously powerful, especially those that alter brain chemistry when infused with something toxic.

    Says who? Quote your sources. I’m getting sick of seeing you posting all this shit in serious drug threads when you have never taken s]anything other than cannabis and have no fucking clue what you are on about. Do you not realize peoples lives may be on the line here? Don’t feign knowledge when people are at risk, would you feel comfortable offering that horsheshit to your family and friends? If the answer is yes thank god I’m neither of them

    @tryptameanie 969334 wrote:

    Says who? Quote your sources. I’m getting sick of seeing you posting all this shit in serious drug threads when you have never taken s]anything other than cannabis and have no fucking clue what you are on about. Do you not realize peoples lives may be on the line here? Don’t feign knowledge when people are at risk, would you feel comfortable offering that horsheshit to your family and friends? If the answer is yes thank god I’m neither of them

    i was gonna get around to saying all that, fucking vague unsourced pseudoscience bullshit with a tinge of DARE to it.

    there doesn’t seem to be any research about the two but here is a read that doesn’t discriminate between amphet and meth for producing cross tolerance to cocaine Chronic d-amphetamine or methamphetamine produces cross-tolerance to the discriminative and reinforcing stimulus effects of cocaine. – PubMed – NCBI so ergo they would produce a cross tolerance for each other

    if you google adderall and meth cross tolerance you’ll get about 7 or 8 results on the first page linking to forum discussions on it

    BTW methamphetamine is just a modification of amphetamine and amphetamine can be easily converted to the N-methyl so as for any bad interactions between the 2 I doubt it very much.

    @tryptameanie 970044 wrote:

    BTW methamphetamine is just a modification of amphetamine and amphetamine can be easily converted to the N-methyl so as for any bad interactions between the 2 I doubt it very much.

    meth has a much lower LD50, that’s the only potential problem I could see… but in the states people usually can get their hands on more meth than amphetamine so that’s not a concern.

    the OP was asking about a cross tolerance though similar to what people see with say mushrooms and acid or heroin and other opiates, what do you think about that?

    I very much think cross tolerance would be an issue. These compounds work on exactly the same receptors giving almost exactly the same effect. I know for a fact cross tolerance occurs between the lysergides, take LSD and you not only have tolerance to that but take AL-LAD and you’ll find diminshed effects. One things about amphetamine is tolerance builds very slowly and never kills the effect completely. You may need slightly more or find you can hammer more faster but you will always get an effect.

    i don’t think the one post wonder who started this thread is coming back but knowing the dosage of amphet would do us worlds of good as far as being helpful is concerned

    I really could not give dosages of base amphetamine. It’s been a long time and also giving my dosage info to others would be reckless.. Not only because my doses would be different to others due to genetics or whatever, the ourity of each batch can vary so much that the info almost becomes useless.

    If I had my best base, and I did give some to people who weren’t familiar with it, then 30-50mg would keep you going 24 hours before you had got anywhere near baseline but I’ve had total shit that would take almost a gram to get close. Meth is much more potent in this respect but again, inconsistencies between batches makes that inaccurate as well.

    well this person was taking pharmaceutical pills, so the dose is determined, but yeah 30-60mg would have almost anyone pretty good for a long time unless they’ed been taking them daily for a long time

    Ah then dosage should always be the same. I know dex-amphetamine used medically starts at 5mg.

    @tryptameanie 970082 wrote:

    Ah then dosage should always be the same. I know dex-amphetamine used medically starts at 5mg.

    same with adderall which is amphet and dex salts mixed

    Yes mate, exactly.






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines Adderall tolerance vs meth tolerance