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  • I’ve been asked to send a mail out to all our members advertising magic mushrooms (below) but I’m hesitant to do it because of their il-legality and possible repercusion for our subscribers email in-boxes. What should I do, send it or not?

    I’d tell the mushroom guy that we can’t do it.

    They are illegal in many jurisdictions – some people do use their work addresses and users outside the EU could potentially even get in trouble with their law enforcement as there is no guaranteed right of free speech in many nations.

    also there are some users who may be journalists or staff at local newspapers. I’ve seen a few girls from Archant/EADT sign on, I don’t know if they are admin staff or actual journos. Archant have done a sting operatoin before posing as a teenage girl to trap some predator.

    how much is this worth to us? is there no other way of raising the money?

    I’ve replied that I wasn’t going to send the mail after all and apologised. We should be able to work something out because he has other other legal product lines which we could advertise instead, but I’ll refund his money (20 pounds) if not of course. We’re certainly not desperate for the cash so this was the right thing to do, I’m glad I thought about it first and thanks for your feedback…

    excuse my ignorance – EADT Archant? what are they [cops presumably?]

    Archant is the Archant newspaper group, based in Norwich.

    They publish these newspapers

    EADT = East Anglian Daily Times (Suffolk, North Essex)
    Evening Star = Ipswich evening newspaper

    EDP = Eastern Daily Press (Norfolk and North Suffolk)
    EN = Evening news (Norwich)
    Lowestoft Journal (Lowestoft local)

    you have probably seen me quote from their websites fairly often.

    The quality of reporting is variable, although the EADT takes a slightly more right wing angle than the Evening Star.

    Thank you GL






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Advertising Magic Mushrooms