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Alcohol and under twenties

Forums Drugs Alcohol Alcohol and under twenties

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    Alcohol Dangers

    Alcohol is a drug that has the immediate effect of altering mood. Even though drinking makes people feel relaxed, happy and even euphoric, alcohol is a depressant. It switches off the part of the brain that controls judgement, leading to loss of inhibitions.

    The more alcohol consumed, the greater the effect – speech becomes slurred, vision blurred, balance is lost and movements are clumsy.

    People under the influence risk having accidents because of this.

    Alcohol has been linked to a wide range of illnesses – an increased risk certain cancers, including mouth cancer, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal complications, such as gastritis, ulcers, and liver disease.

    Excessive alcohol consumption can also have detrimental social and psychological consequences. People can lose their jobs and loved ones.

    Alcohol is implicated in up to 40,000 deaths per year in England and Wales, and is directly responsible for 5,000 deaths.

    Why can it be particularly risky for children and adolescents to drink?

    The brain goes through big changes and growth during childhood and adolescence, and alcohol can seriously damage long- and short-term growth processes.

    Damage from alcohol at this time can be long-term and irreversible. Experts believe short-term or moderate drinking impairs learning and memory far more in youth than adults.

    Also, children need only drink much less than adults to suffer the same negative effects.

    Released: Friday, 17 November 2006, 10:33 GMT o.gif
    © BBC MMVI

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Forums Drugs Alcohol Alcohol and under twenties