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Any volunteers for testing new weight loss pill?..

Forums The Vibe Chat Any volunteers for testing new weight loss pill?..

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  • yeah but there is one catch, they are frozen poop pills!

    I guess there is a 50/50 chance of this treating obesity, I’m in no hurry to lose a few pounds or spend 3 months to a year swallowing poop pills.. maybe you are so here’s you chance.

    full story here –

    you first!!

    I’m not obese.

    [quote quote=1067630]you first!!

    I’m not obese.


    I think i’ll stick to the gym :-))

    was it really that bad prescribing stimulants for obesity (once commonplace worldwide?) OK these have their side effects, but you don’t get fat and lazy speed freaks 😉 – seems less worse than forcing people to eat shit, even in a supposedly refined form…

    [quote quote=1075872]was it really that bad prescribing stimulants for obesity (once commonplace worldwide?) OK these have their side effects, but you don’t get fat and lazy speed freaks ? – seems less worse than forcing people to eat shit, even in a supposedly refined form…


    The problem with lots of fat people and speed is they probably already have heart disease or high blood pressure so it’s dangerous because of the comorbid conditions. Although I’ve never seen a fat person with an Adderall prescription and I’ve seen lots of people prescribed speed.

    In 1950s-70s Europe the doctors seemed to be prescribing it before folk got too fat (although it had been contraindicated for this use before I was born) but the side effects I read about seemed to be mostly related to mental health issues (psychosis) caused by continued use and comparatively few fatalities (given the huge amounts that were once prescribed).

    Have seen a few more recent USA papers where they did mention some heart problems and all sorts else as side effects from 1990s era meds although its not clear what proportion of the total patients this is.

    Of course for a person who is already obese to suddenly take stimulants when s/he is not used to them is very dangerous, I’ve known of non “druggie” types (such as middle aged professionals) to suffer harm and even fatal ODs of stuff like ephedrine based diet pills which were once rife in SE Asian countries, these pills finished off one our family friends in Malaysia (he was experiencing the weight gain many Asian males get during middle age and foolishly took what turned out to be a gross overdose).

    At the other end of the scale have also heard of younger, athletic people (who regularly attend gyms etc) having problems with ephedrine (which certainly does speed up the heart rate) when they overdo it. (The amount available for purchase at any one time is restricted in UK and various other countries, although more for fear of it being illicitly converted into meth than risks from use on its own)

    Ephedra caused a lot of problems for a variety of reasons and is now quasi banned most places but was decent for weight loss and weight maintenance.

    Overdoses do occur most in either those who aren’t fit, aren’t familiar to them or both.

    Obesity that I’m thinking of is folks who need an electric shopping cart at the grocery store or a handicapped parking space or can’t walk down a hall without getting winded. These folks shouldn’t be taking amphetamines and similar substances cause it may kill them even at a small dose. If you’re 10 to 20 kg overweight and take a reasonable dose and aren’t too old you’ll be fine. People are people though and do stuff that isn’t in their best interest and will thus need the loving paternal government to control who gets this stuff and additionally doctors aren’t as loose with it as they once were for all the reasons you mention.

    As far as weight loss goes, diet and exercise take primacy, speed isn’t a magic bullet.

    here in UK folk who get mobility aids (unless they have suffered bad physical injuries as a consequence of a traffic collision or other accident) tend to be of middle or senior age (usually around 70-80+) and have loads of other mobility and health problems – any obesity they might have is a secondary symptom that tends to be picked up on fairly quickly as they often have home carers or are admitted to residential homes where their weight is regularly monitored.

    There is undoubtedly an issue with younger people and overweight perhaps due to low self esteem and the wider availability and less shame associated with sweets/snack food compared to 30 years ago – but teens of my generation smoked more tobacco and took more drugs so even if they were thinner were not necessarily healthier..

    I’d like to try it.

    I wouldn’t eat frozen shit, especially not if I was already obese and able to live of the saturated fat I carried around with me for month before even considering eating shit.. Not sure people being starved to death would be that comfortable taking it long term but then they aren’t the sort of volunteers who’d be in a position to demonstrate whether all the retching and gagging at the thought of taking it helped with weight loss lol

    I wish I can catch this chance.






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Forums The Vibe Chat Any volunteers for testing new weight loss pill?..