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Anybody watch ‘The Great Global Warming Swindell’ On Channel 4 on Thursday 8th?

Forums Life Environment Anybody watch ‘The Great Global Warming Swindell’ On Channel 4 on Thursday 8th?

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  • Really interesting documentry that seemed to piss all over the man made, co2 global warming theory, was just wondering on peoples thoughts as it really made me think.. It could of course all be bollox tho, but then who’s to say. If nobdy saw it, say and ill post some more about it, ive been bending my mates ears about it all weekend!:wink:

    It was total bollocks mate, from start to finsh! Check out the article at, ‘swindled’, its at the top of the page, if you want the grimy detail.

    Back to worrying, i’m afraid…

    djprocess wrote:
    Really interesting documentry that seemed to piss all over the man made, co2 global warming theory, was just wondering on peoples thoughts as it really made me think.. It could of course all be bollox tho, but then who’s to say. If nobdy saw it, say and ill post some more about it, ive been bending my mates ears about it all weekend!:wink:


    don’t believe everything you see on TV

    check out the background of the maker of this programme. the guy is a crank

    in February 2006, the UN and the World Meteorological Society’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which brings together more than 2,000 scientists to review tens of thousands of peer-reviewed papers on climate science, released its fourth report. Not one scientific study disagreed that human activity is causing climate change

    only the media disagree. Martin Durkin does not have a science background.

    as someone who worked in the TV industry for a few years and saw what happened to it in the mid-late 90s I am extremely sceptical of the content of any documentary TV programme, even by a so-called “public service broadcaster”

    the commercial pressures are tremendous these days and so money talks, it is easy enough for anyone with enough money to set up an independent production company and essentially “buy” a commission to get their point of view across, plus commercially funded broadcasters don’t want to deter potential advertisers..

    Although one researcher walked away from that show there are plenty of other ambitious people who will hapilly work on a programme even if it is spewing out lies or the angle is something they disagree with, or their boss is clearly an idiot, just to get the work…

    Competition for media jobs is intense and there are many who are prepared to sacrifice their integrity to stay on the ladder..






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Forums Life Environment Anybody watch ‘The Great Global Warming Swindell’ On Channel 4 on Thursday 8th?