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anyone know of this pill?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA anyone know of this pill?

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  • i came up on some pills, that were supposed to be adderall, but i looked for the pill online, and it looks absolutely nothing like an adderall..its a blue pill with a ‘111’ under a design of the letter ‘E’, on the other side its two lines intersecting the middle, as if u could break it into four’s. thanks for any help…

    xpillpopper wrote:
    i came up on some pills, that were supposed to be adderall, but i looked for the pill online, and it looks absolutely nothing like an adderall..its a blue pill with a ‘111’ under a design of the letter ‘E’, on the other side its two lines intersecting the middle, as if u could break it into four’s. thanks for any help…

    try this link:

    oh and bookmark this one


    its not uncommon for pharmaceutical tablets to change appearance drastically whilst still containing the same active ingredients..

    also there is a competitive market for pharmaceuticals so preparations containing the same drug can be sold as different brands.

    these websites are your friend, also your country (I assume its the USA) will have an organisation which produces a publication called a “formulary” which lists every licensed pharmeceutical substance and its appearance.

    these websites are invaluable :crazy_fre

    you can use them to check your prescriptions have been filled correctly etc etc

    thanks for the help…i was worried i snorted a shit load of meth…:horay:

    xpillpopper wrote:
    thanks for the help…i was worried i snorted a shit load of meth…:horay:

    /me looks relieved

    amphetamine/dextroamphetamine go to pill indentifier oh shit boss is back gotta go






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA anyone know of this pill?