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Are these liberty caps?

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Are these liberty caps?

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  • Are these liberty caps? just piked them today, does anyone no any ways to make a tea out them ? cheers

    I’m no mycologist but that’s quite a collection you have there. I suspect you have a few different species there, some may be libbys but others not

    Yup, they look good to me.

    Just bung them in a pan of boiling water and then reduce the heat and simmer them for 15 minutes before straining the liquid into mug/teapot and make tea in the usual way.

    You can re-boil them a few times.

    If you’re really hard core you could recycle your piss afterwards. Psilocybin isn’t broken down by the human body.

    Judging by your picking though, you got enough anyway. Snag with mushrooms is tolerance builds rapidly in a season – first dose 25 (plenty for first timer), then 50, then 100, then 200, just to get to the same place.

    Going over that rough guideline limit means you will trip harder. OK for experienced trippers, quite tough on the newbies though.

    mushies are best fresh straight of the surface of the them-…back to topic; they look real…(most of them anyway, the fake ones will disolve when you roll them in your hand, the real ones do not…)

    (yeah, you might puke…laugh about it and eat some more and let the good times roll…)

    emilyw94 u only need one thread per question, with 2 u have a split conversation

    @Pat McDonald 501206 wrote:

    If you’re really hard core you could recycle your piss afterwards. Psilocybin isn’t broken down by the human body.

    Judging by your picking though, you got enough anyway. Snag with mushrooms is tolerance builds rapidly in a season – first dose 25 (plenty for first timer), then 50, then 100, then 200, just to get to the same place.

    Going over that rough guideline limit means you will trip harder. OK for experienced trippers, quite tough on the newbies though.

    i like good info where possible, so am wondering where u r getting yours pat?

    1) psilocybin is (apparently, i’ve not yet done any experiments :p) broken down to psilocin in the stomach. u may be thinking of aminata muscaria mushrooms that contain muscimol which apparently is a quite different chem to psilocybin. wen u eat the mushroom, much of the muscimol is passed through to the urine.

    2) there is no noteworthy tolerance to psilocybe mushrooms as far as im aware. you’re scale of tolerance also…? is this from personal experience, it seems like a work of fiction to me, maybe not a fiction u made, but its not useful either way.

    im assuming from the angle of your posts that you’re someone that hasn’t taken some drugs and you’re motivated by some opinions not to… this is a free open forum and of course you’re welcome to hold your own opinions and share them freely, but with drugs there is already much spin, propoganda etc that forums like this are really useful for actually understanding whats what without any political/media interference… so feel free to rant till the cows come home on your opinions of why you choose not to take certain drugs, but lets provide accuracy as well so people can make an informed decision. if u r acting with prejudice and giving inaccurate facts then you’re just blocking the flow of information

    WELL… I’ve never had any complaints about dosages.

    Admitedly that’s not a scientific or peer reviewed of research.

    OK, here’s the deal – you get the mushies, I’ll drink the piss.

    @Pat McDonald 501236 wrote:

    you get the mushies, I’ll drink the piss.

    ok sure, do u wana do aminata muscaria so u can get high or u just wana drink pee for fun?

    Wrong mushrooms pat 😉 … I had the ones you mean with the piss drinking, but can’t say I was tempted to do that lol. They not very good from my experience anyway.






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Are these liberty caps?