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Asbestos safety warning: [relayed from Squatjuice]

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Asbestos safety warning: [relayed from Squatjuice]

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  • This was from Asbestosis, a regular poster on squatjuice, posted following a thread discussing of the dangers of asbestos in old warehouse buildings. Asbestosis, as his name would suggest, knows his stuff; his day job is to make buildings safe from asbestos contamination!

    when you do see stupid immature pricks smashing through partitions and other fabrication to the building, do your upmost to stop them as although most internal partitions are normally made from plasterboard……

    u would be surprised how many are actually Asbestos Cement sheets (a hard and brittle grey coloured product with loads of white fibre like flecks running through the material-white-chrysotile-asbestos)

    and an even worse product Asbestos Insulating Board (made mainly from brown-amosite-asbestos, not as brittle and tough as asbestos cement but in the long and short fall-classed as highly dangerous)

    so the message is people watch out as if you play with fire for long enough, one day you will end up getting burnt…

    oi oi i started that 1 off heheheheheheheh

    aspestos is a bad thing just think again when them little pricks are smashing everything up that its YOUR health at risk as well as the party scene

    the best thing for a copper to see is a building what was nice and now all smashed up

    last night i was out checking what had all the makings of a special party site, with NYE in mind.

    We were looking at how to block off some parts of the abandoned cold war nuclear bunker 😉 and when we found the ‘control room’ we were all like, yeah and the booth could be up in that place and there’d be all mad ravers dancing on those balconies up there and all we’d have to do is cover these holes in the floor.

    then we realised that the pile of ‘plaster’ was asbestos 😮

    if any of you know how to remove this shit safely and feel like helping the SW UK to rock n rave NYE, PM me 🙂

    so Generic just went ahead and did it in the site anyway…you guys are not very considerate of the health of your party-goers.:(

    if people start to think that site is safe it’s going to get rinsed by everyone and in a few years all the heads are going to be sterile at best, or dying of lung disease







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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Asbestos safety warning: [relayed from Squatjuice]