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Atypical Anti-Psychotics

Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs Atypical Anti-Psychotics

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  • This is probably a bump thread but I was wondering if anyone has experimented with atypical antipsychotics? Most of these medications are prescribed to patients with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia and I have Bipolar so my doc prescribed Zyprexa for me. It’s an atypical anti-psychotic in that it treats Bipolar psychosis but it can also get you floating on a fucking cloud high. Just recently I read about people abusing their anti-psychotics to get high and I was a little skeptical until I mashed my Zyprexa and main lined it. Holy Amaze Balls! This shit is like pot in pill form. If you’re on a meth high and gator-blow this shit, you will chill out so quick you won’t know what to think. Even if you’re not on a meth high or an upper high, this shit is for realz the best “WTF is going on except peace and tranquility?!” high I’ve ever experienced.

    Alright, so before I ask if anyone else has experimented with this, not everyone takes this medication or has any need to. Obviously if you have a serious mental illness, this medication is a great way to treat your symptoms and also a great way to get high! I am currently on 5MG of Zyprexa the generic is Olanzapine and it works wonders in the “zen” experience. Let me know if you have used it before or been able to experience this miracle drug.

    Once more, like I said, it can’t be prescribed to just anybody but to the individuals that have illnesses that use anti-psychotics, TRY THIS. Seriously, it’s worth it.

    Yeah I always thought zyprexia was super zen; I was on 20mg though, after a while I got bored with it tho.






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Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs Atypical Anti-Psychotics