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Forums Drugs Trip Reports B3 Experiment

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  • Got a 1g sample of B3 today and decided to give it a go after work

    6.30 – Got home from work, necked 1/4g

    7.00 – Fast onset of effects, jittery, light headed

    7.30 – Several mins of chattery jaw, lightheaded, chain smoking and cant stay still, little numbness in fingers, heart racing, unsteady on feet, teeth on edge and tongue & throat feel swollen. In heated room, but not hot and no sweats, music on and want to dance but cant, no drone like horn, and no MDMA like smiles or empathy.

    8.00 – Riding the buzz, mostly very nice, but the swollen tongue & throat feeling is very unpleasant and worrying, checked in mirror and they dont appear swollen, and airway remains clear, breathing normal, but it really felt like my tongue was completely filling my mouth.

    8.30 – Still a little lightheadness but most the other effects gone except the unpleasant swollen tongue feeling

    9.30 – Typing this, pretty much back to baseline, little reminent of the lightheadness, tongue still feels bigger than it should, and eyes wide open.


    Definite stim or sorts also a nice head space mixed in

    No massive energy rush

    No good for dancing due to loss of equilibrium

    No drone horn or MDMA loved up feelings

    Very fast acting, and short burn on the more intense effects, dont know how long the wide eyed wide awake feeling will last, with speed of comedown I recon a few more hours before able to sleep

    Feeling of swollen tongue & throat very unpleasant.

    I will not be buying any of this, I dont recommend it and am sorry to say if you are like me hoping for a new MDMA or Drone this is not it. Only value in this experiment is that others can read this and not need to try for themselves.

    If anyone else has already tried it I would be curious if their experience was the same as mine.

    cool well sounds like an experience, maybe not too great… what made u think b3 was the way ahead?… i’ve only heard bad things and also they dont tell u whats in them… thanks for the info tho

    @know_hope 500851 wrote:

    cool well sounds like an experience, maybe not too great… what made u think b3 was the way ahead?… i’ve only heard bad things and also they dont tell u whats in them… thanks for the info tho

    When drone got banned I tried B2 which many people said was the next best thing, B2 was pretty good initially then went downhill ( I always suspected the active in the first B2 batches was actually drone ), when offered a sample of B3 I guess I hoped it would be the same as the first batches of B2, but sadly not.

    You’re right about them not giving out the chem name, and I recon it’s probably a mixture of chems, the head mash was like ABP, the stim side had no real energy rush just wide eyed and increased heart rate, like a high caffeine dose, the numbing effect I dont know about, maybe a painkiller.

    Anyways 10.30 now and only residual effect is my tongue still feels a bit bigger than it should, tea, bickies and watch a little TV before bed, and frankly the tea & bickies will be better than this B3 stuff lol

    @DOTM 500863 wrote:

    Sounds like shit

    Yeah that would be the short version of the report above lol

    Went to bed about 1.30am and got to sleep with no problems, woke up about 11.30 with no morning after effects

    The tea & bickies were more enjoyable than the B3






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports B3 Experiment