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Bad Ecstasy Warning

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Bad Ecstasy Warning

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  • BBC News – Tuesday, 26 June, 2001, 21:51 GMT 22:51 UK

    Second raver dies from rogue ‘ecstasy’…

    The tablets were circulating at an all-night rave. A second man has died after taking tablets from a “bad batch” of drugs suspected to be ecstasy at an all-night rave, Scotland Yard said.Steven Brett, 19, from Surrey, was pronounced dead at 1640BST on Tuesday. He had been taken to King’s College Hospital for treatment on Sunday morning after being found collapsed and convulsing near the SE1 nightclub under London Bridge railway station.

    Clubbers have been warned to avoid these tablets. A Scotland Yard spokesman said a postmortem into Mr Brett’s death would be held shortly and an inquest would open soon. Detectives on Monday issued a picture of an ecstasy tablet similar to those found in a “bad” batch which it is feared caused the deaths of the two men. Bret Karl Gilkes, 20, from Birmingham, died on Sunday morning after being taken to St Thomas’s Hospital in London. Police launched a nationwide amnesty for anyone who had bought the tablets and not taken them yet.

    Third victim

    A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “Anyone who has bought such a tablet anywhere in the country is asked to hand it in to police.” The tablets were circulated among clubgoers at the all-night “Raindance” festival at the SE1 nightclub on Saturday. A number fell ill. Superintendent Wayne Smith said clubbers should hand the tablets to police. Another man, 19, from west London, remains in a critical condition at St Thomas’s Hospital after going there himself when he started to fall ill.

    Up to six other clubgoers have so far presented themselves at St Thomas’s Hospital with symptoms of drug overdoses and have been discharged. Police warned that more people could still be affected by the drugs and urged anyone who still had them not to take them. Anyone who thinks they bought some of the contaminated tablets is asked to call the police incident room on 0208 247 8275.

    er, what do these little fellas look like? what are they called? surely this info would be highly beneficial to the public? funny how the police would rather us not know. Anyone? 🙁 :rolleyes: 😮

    I agree , what do these tablets look like?????its no good putting this message on and not tell us what they look like is it now?? :rolleyes:

    It was annouced on friday that these deaths weren’t related to contamined ecstasy. Both we’re caused by overheating 🙁

    Here’s a link to a picture of the pills responsible…


    surly if the club have proper air conditioning and a medical officail on site this wouldnt of happened. Clubs take the piss!!!!i think it would be safe to say that we should say NO to clubs. cheers for the pics.

    There’s bad “E” around in Belgium as well… up until now there’s 3 deaths because of pills containing PMA (aka the overheating drug). And government was so lame as to NOT let the word be spread at first but continue the investigation. Anyways, they are at least starting an awareness campaign for young people, saying that you never know what you take…

    [edit:] found a description of the pills as well: The PMA-pil is round, has a diameter of approx. 8 millimeter, is 4 millimeter thick, has a beige colour with light brown dots and has the logo xTc.






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Bad Ecstasy Warning