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Forums Drugs bars

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  • im really lost and want to know about this drug called bars im not sure if its some ind of methamphetamine or what im pretty lost but if anyone can let me know id be happy

    not too sure sorry i cant help

    Bars are a type of drug exctley like ecsacty…they arent as strong az x but they doseriously brain damage they have sumtim in em that killz ur brain cells really quick … they are very harmful..and if u are not used to takin them they could really hurt you.. for example you could get short on breath.. dizzy… and u could break out with acne really bad from trying them your first time…. but they are really fun u feel like ur floating ive tried em n would do em again but even i kno mi limitz .b careful n stay safe also never do em bi ur self

    aren’t bars like downers i wouldn’t compare them to x cause i poped like 10 of em and they got me tired maybe im wrong who knows :confused:

    i hope to fuck you aren’t talking about barbituates.. they are fucking nasty, and fuck your blood supply, so not only your brain, but your veins could be at risk. i love drugs, but i wouldn’t wish barbs (what i know em as if we’re on the same tip) on satan himself, or even tony blair (well, maybe if im in a real shitty mood).

    if they are babituates, dont do them.

    USE wrote:
    i hope to fuck you aren’t talking about barbituates.. they are fucking nasty, and fuck your blood supply, so not only your brain, but your veins could be at risk. i love drugs, but i wouldn’t wish barbs (what i know em as if we’re on the same tip) on satan himself, or even tony blair (well, maybe if im in a real shitty mood).

    if they are babituates, dont do them.

    if they are, then el_pyroboy is lucky to be posting here at all! People who take an overdose of these often fall asleep – and just do not wake up again.

    Until the British health authorities stopped widely prescribing them, they were one of the most common methods of suicide or accidental overdose/poisionng in the UK.

    Definitely best avoided. Don’t end up as collateral damage in the “war on some drugs.”

    i’m probably talking about a different bars i use them Handlebars well thats what they call em over here maybe i was wrong well if i was my apollogies ppl 😮 😀

    Aderol, some are different. Bars are way popular here. I personally think its dumb…stick to weed.






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Forums Drugs bars