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Benzos + Alcohol Yay/Nay?

Forums Drugs Benzos + Alcohol Yay/Nay?

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  • I have yet to drink alcohol while on benzos before. Thoughts?

    yay if you are cool with memory loss and being mashed. bumped into dude earlier who i didnt recognise i only approached him when he said ‘oh just gonna ignore me then’ xanax and alcohol situation there man..

    Nay. Feels good but you can bet your bottom dollar that’ll you’ll come out the other side with amnesia of some kind. Plus its very easy to take one benzo too many and just pass out rather abruptly. Or of course you could get it completely wrong and kill yourself with respiratory depression or something, should always bear that in mind. I say just stick to a nice spliff if you’re mixing it with anything.

    Always drink after benzos. getting pissed then dosing is always the killer.

    nay… this combo gets me into troubl, and only realise when someone tells me

    In VERY low doses its okay but chancs are you will end up next an an empty baggie and no memory of the evening. Oh and in theory it could kill you. Given your asking the question I would avoid.

    Personally I fucking love it but you will be utterly mash up and it can be hard to keep control of yourself as no fucks will be given.

    I like taking out a 10mg diaze or even a few .5mg Pyrazolam to town and taking doses as I please if I want to. Its fine to do with alcohol. Just dont over do it with either. Respitory Depression.

    Every time i have taken benzos with alcohol i wake up in fuckin random places/next to random birds and have to get the details of the night from mates. Ive been lucky but some others not so. Not worth it m8, especially when u fall asleep on the toilets etc in random pubs rofl






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Forums Drugs Benzos + Alcohol Yay/Nay?