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best snorting techniques?

Forums Drugs Amphetamines best snorting techniques?

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  • i’ve heard a lot of different things; snort slowly…no chunks…snort lightly…etc

    how do YOU guys get the best out of your snout-ingestion sessions? currently, i’m using the snort and drop of water into my snout after my ADHD med of choice. still isn’t really giving me much of a high. i realize that after you do it a bunch, you build up a tolerance and stuff but i don’t really do it that much. besides, i’m not looking for an intense euphoria like crazy, paranoid, on top of the world feeling, honestly. if i wanted a high like that, i would drive about 15 minutes up the road and find a holder. it’s too easy sadly…

    on topic though, i do it mainly to keep me from gaining weight.

    the freshman 15 turned into the freshman 100 for me in 2009 and after i quit school, i began gaining tons of weight. i’m not sure if you have read any of my other posts but i have bipolar disorder so i was dating random guys, having random sex, feeling terrible, and as usual, relying on my food addiction (yes it is a real addiction, just like other substances) to make me happy for all of 15 minutes of me eating. long story short, i gained weight and when i stepped on the scale at 265lbs, i said “enough!” i knew i had to lose weight. according to my BMI/size/height – i need to weigh 135lbs. and i plan on getting there.

    so any advice is good advice! (not on losing weight, just using my snout)

    exercise is better than stims for losing weight…

    if you’re snorting ADHD meds you probably want to wash them with acetone to get the binders and fillers out

    idk snorting is snorting, pretty much common sense as to getting the most out of

    I always find the right nostril goes up easier than left i can’t imagine one or the other has any difference effect. It all goes to the brain right?

    @EPICLULZ 967787 wrote:

    I always find the right nostril goes up easier than left i can’t imagine one or the other has any difference effect. It all goes to the brain right?

    true dat boo. my right nostril is more messed up than my left so i try to do it lighter in the right one than the left one. i already have fucked up sinuses it’s not like doing this will make it any worse.

    Make sure it is as fine as you can get it, whatever the powder is. It has to be absobed through the mucus membrane and rocks of powder just aren’t gonna fit and will go down your throat in the end making it pointless.

    Breath in some spray paint.






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Forums Drugs Amphetamines best snorting techniques?