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  • I highly recommend this movie. It wasn’t at all what I imagined.

    Basically this guy played a super hero in the early nineties. The movies made billions and he was successful. Now that he is older, he wants to be remembered as a more refined actor so he goes into theatre.
    During this he’s going a little bit crazy and thinking he might actually be birdman.

    Thought a few of you might like it.

    Asked about that film ages ago cos it looked shit when put it on which meant it didn’t stay on lol.

    The first ten minutes are slow, but you just have to push past that.

    I’ve taught myself to always give shows and film a good 15 minutes before turning it off.

    except ‘lesbian vampire killers’ because the first few minutes really were shit.

    LOL sweet answer and will try it in future 🙂

    Heard mixed reviews on this. It seems the people with high expectations were left feeling disappointed, and those that weren’t expecting much thought it was quite good.

    It depends what you like in a film.

    If you like a storyline with lots of twists and turns and action, its not for you.
    If you like psychological movies with lots of human interaction and dry humour, you might like it.

    Its basically about a guy trying to do theatre with a guy he hates, and having a bit of a mental breakdown. It’s very slow paced, but I like movies like that.

    Wanted to watch this, but my local moving picture house is utter shite and only showed it for a day, yes, one whole day. Gonna look for a rip of it as I doubt it’ll be on again round here.






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Forums The Vibe Music, Movies & TV Birdman.